Bug #32448
openupload-salt-reports ImportError: No module named salt.config
I wanted to import my existing hosts into Foreman using the method described in the manual: execute state.highstate and use upload-salt-reports to make existing hosts known to Foreman.
Since the support for Python 2.7 has ended, Saltstack has moved on to using Python 3. Using foreman katello 2.4.0, python 3 and Saltstack 3003, invoking upload_salt_reports will attempt to load the salt.config library which is not available in the Python 2.7 environment. Invoking upload-salt-reports results in:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/sbin/upload-salt-reports", line 22, in <module>
import salt.config
ImportError: No module named salt.config
Foreman is capable of importing salt states, the salt plugin works in that regard.
Please let me know if additional information, or testing is required from my part.
Kind regards,
Ben ter Haar
Foreman installation details:
OS: CentOS 7
Python: 3.6.8
Foreman Katello: 2.4.0
Foreman_salt plugin: 13.2.4
Saltstack: 3003-1
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