Bug #35514
closedMissing global parameter declared in Kickstart Default template
as part of #31593
Kickstart default got a new parameter to both enable Puppet 7 clients at provision time and change the name of the obsolete puppetlabs brand. The work was completed and functional but the update to the header specifying the global parameter for Puppet 7 was missed, which means unless you know the parameter is there by reading the snippet code in more detail, you'll only have the ability to continue to install Puppet 5 or 6 clients
- enable-puppetlabs-repo: boolean (default=false)
- enable-puppetlabs-puppet5-repo: boolean (default=false)
- enable-puppetlabs-puppet6-repo: boolean (default=false)
This bug is to track the update of the header to document correctly the Puppet 7 parameter
Updated by Matt Darcy 7 months ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
can be closed - as this should move to an obsolete/remove puppet 5 - 6 as puppet versions are no longer supported