Bug #36082
openkickstart_kernel_options snippet breaks UEFI (Grub2) PXE provisioning when boot_mode is static
Description of problem:
Starting on Satellite 6.12.2 (foreman- a new version of the snippet kickstart_kernel_options is shipped.
This new version includes new options that push a parameter "static=1" to the ks URL. However, when pushing this extra parameter, it needs to co-exist with token=<token> on the same URL. The URL generated is not properly escaped and then we hit this Grub2 issue1
Solution is to properly escape the URL.
[1] https://access.redhat.com/solutions/6810791
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Have subnet with boot mode set to static
2. Try provisioning an UEFI hosts (using PXELoader Grub2 UEFI)
3. When boot, system will stop on the grub terminal(won't load the grub configuration)
Actual results:
Fails to PXE boot
Expected results:
Boot properly and start provisioning
Additional info: