Bug #5604
closedcontent-host list -> the 'id' listed is the uuid; however, system-group requires the db 'id'
The following scenario seems like it will be confusing to users:
1. When creating a system-group, if the user provides a list of system-ids, it appears that the server expects those to be the db ids (e.g. 1, 2, 3...etc).
2. When listing the content-hosts (systems), the ID listed is the content-host UUID (which is not the one expected in #1).
hammer> content-host list --organization-id ACME_Corporation
aedc1566-9aa8-483d-9c0c-b8a556c6fb87 | dhcp129-51.rdu.redhat.com
3. When looking at the content-host info, it requires the user to provide --id which is the UUID, but then lists that as the UUID and the DB ID as ID:
hammer> content-host info --organization-id ACME_Corporation --id aedc1566-9aa8-483d-9c0c-b8a556c6fb87
Name: dhcp129-51.rdu.redhat.com
ID: 2
UUID: aedc1566-9aa8-483d-9c0c-b8a556c6fb87
Description: updated description
Location: None
Lifecycle Environment: Library
Content View: Default Organization View
Entitlement Status: invalid
Release Version:
Autoheal: true