Bug #6380
openVM not created when resubmitting new host form after orchestration failure
0. Stage some sort of failure during TFTP orchestration (maybe set :tftproot to a bad path in the proxy & restart it)
1. Try creating a new host on a compute resource, which should fail due to TFTP orchestration
2. The new host form reappears with the orchestration error
3. Resubmit the form and the VM is no longer created
(another similar scenario in bug #6379)
What appears to happen is that the form reloads, but without the VM tab. Next time the form is submitted, no compute_attributes are sent and so the VM isn't recreated.
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 10 years ago
- Blocks Bug #6379: 500 ISE on creating a new host: Operation FAILED: can't convert nil into String added
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 10 years ago
- Related to Bug #5859: VM creation fails after IP conflict added
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 10 years ago
Note, this then triggers further errors as the host record has compute_resource_id set, but uuid is nil. Some parts of Foreman just check for compute_resource_id.present? to see if it's a CR-associated host, and since the UUID's invalid, things like the power state AJAX fail.
Updated by Anonymous over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee set to Anonymous
Updated by Yama Kasi over 10 years ago
I seems I'm hitting this bug also, actually I come from #5859
Is there some temp fix for this ? It's coming up randomly.