Bug #7919
closedLanguages are not recognized when creating a synchronization plan
Bugzilla link:
Pull request:
Cloned from
Description of problem:
When trying to create a synchronization plan in Spanish, options for intervals are not recognized
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Change language to Spanish
2. Go to Synchronization plans
3. Nuevo plan de sincronización (New synchronization plan)
4. Choose an interval (intervalo):
Ninguno/Cada hora/A diario/semanal = Never/Hourly/Diary/Weekly
5. Press Guardar (Store)
Actual results:
You get a message under intervals saying: "It is not in the list"
Expected results:
It should work
Additional info:
Updated by Eric Helms over 10 years ago
- Category set to Web UI
- Translation missing: en.field_release set to 14
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
Updated by The Foreman Bot over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Target version set to 58
- Pull request added
- Pull request deleted (
Updated by Walden Raines over 10 years ago
- Bugzilla link changed from 1140507 to 1142763
Updated by Walden Raines over 10 years ago
- Bugzilla link changed from 1142763 to 1151633
Updated by Walden Raines over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset katello|5b2fc29f1c1c035b95f16b5461098e13ffd3a585.