


Bug #24039

Updated by Tomáš Strachota over 6 years ago

Cloned from  

 *Description of problem:* 
 When all the host from the 2nd page is selected satellite gives an incorrect number of hosts that are selected. 

 Note - Not in every condition it shows the wrong message. 

 *How reproducible:* 

 *Steps to Reproduce:* 
 1. Navigate to Hosts -> All hosts 
 2. in the search box, use a filter that will yield a number of servers that is larger than the "Entries per page" setting. (In my case I have 4 hosts registered to satellite and I have set the per page entry to 3) 
 3. Navigate to the last page of search results (In my case, page 2) 
 4. Select the checkbox that selects all hosts on this page 

 *Actual results:* 
 It shows the message that "All 3 hosts on this page are selected. Select all 4 hosts" 

 *Expected results:* 
 It should be "1 host on this page is selected. Select all 4 hosts" 

 *Additional info:* 
 Please see the screenshot.
