


Bug #18341

Updated by Tomáš Strachota about 6 years ago

Cloned from  

 *Description of problem:* 
 In the API the order option is working. The documented sort hash is not working. There are the undocumented sort_by and sort_order that are working instead. 

 Not working sort hash: 

 Working order: 
 # curl -K /opt/hoici/etc/curl-admin.conf -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"per_page":"9999","sort":{"by":"name","order":"desc"}}' -XGET https://localhost/katello/api/v2/organizations/4/products | jq . | tail -n10 
   "sort": { 
     "order": null, 
     "by": null 
   "search": null, 
   "per_page": "9999", 
   "page": 1, 
   "subtotal": 19, 
   "total": 19 

 Working order: Not working sort hash: 
 # curl -K /opt/hoici/etc/curl-admin.conf -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"per_page":"9999","order":"name desc"}' -XGET https://localhost/katello/api/v2/organizations/4/products | jq . | tail -n10 
   "sort": { 
     "order": "desc", 
     "by": "name" 
   "search": null, 
   "per_page": "9999", 
   "page": 1, 
   "subtotal": 19, 
   "total": 19 

 Working sort_by and sort_order: 
 # curl -K /opt/hoici/etc/curl-admin.conf -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"per_page":"9999","sort_by":"name","sort_order":"desc"}' -XGET https://localhost/katello/api/v2/organizations/4/products | jq . | tail -n 10 
   "sort": { 
     "order": "desc", 
     "by": "name" 
   "search": null, 
   "per_page": "9999", 
   "page": 1, 
   "subtotal": 19, 
   "total": 19 

 *Expected results:* 
 Consistent API functionality and documentation for sorting the results
