Feature #2572
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 11 years ago
Support for FreeBSD Operatimg System including: * operatingsystem model * default unattanded views for memdisk *Requirement*: Installer Support for syslinux/memdisk - I will create and link an installer issue In order to install FreeBSD on a Server, a mfsbsd ramdisk must be placed on a server and the url must be configured inside an Installation Media object using this syntax: *http://<host>/boot/$arch/images/mfsbsd.img* Using a Memdisk default PXELinux Template, Foreman will generate a pxelinux configuration using syslinux memdisk as kernel and the mfsbsd image as initrd. Additional templates care about the provisioning (using pc-sysinstall) and finish for executing post install actions and setup and run puppet.