


Bug #9687

Updated by Dominic Cleal about 9 years ago

There seems to be an error with non-admin users given the view_template and edit_template filters 
 inside a role for provisioning templates.    This worked in prior versions (at least since 1.6.3). 

 The same view work as admin. 

 == UI == 
 Hosts -> provisioning templates -> generic_atomic (is viewable) 
 ** starts to load edit windows then: 
 ConfigTemplate Not Found 
 Please try to update your request 

 == debug logs == 
   ^[[1m^[[35mConfigTemplate Load (0.2ms)^[[0m    SELECT `config_templates`.* FROM `config_templates` WHERE `config_templates`.`name` = '105-generic_atomic' AND (1=0) ORDER BY LIMIT 1 
   ^[[1m^[[36mConfigTemplate Load (0.2ms)^[[0m    ^[[1mSELECT `config_templates`.* FROM `config_templates` WHERE `config_templates`.`id` = 105 AND (1=0) ORDER BY LIMIT 1^[[0m 
 not found: Couldn't find ConfigTemplate with id=105-generic_atomic [WHERE (1=0)] 
   Rendered common/404.html.erb (1.5ms) 
 Completed 404 Not Found in 47ms (Views: 2.9ms | ActiveRecord: 2.6ms) 

 The filter "view_template, edit_template" under the "Provisioning Template" category is added to a dedicated role. 
 This role is added to the user group which experiences the issue. 
