


Bug #13024

Updated by Marek Hulán over 8 years ago

     After a discussion with the #theforeman support IRC channel, I was advised to create this ticket.    Via kickstart, we assign eth0 an IP address, and after the machine is kickstarted, we (via puppet or manually or both) create a bond0 interface, which takes the IP that was originally on eth0.    The bond0 interface then gets imported into foreman, and we're stuck with a duplicate IP address issue where we can't make any changes to the host.  


     This was "fixed" by not importing bond* interfaces, however that seems like a work-around more than a fix.   


     My suggestion might be something that if bond0 has a "member" eth0, and they both have the same IP, then that should be "allowed" as a duplicate IP. Exact quote: 

 --------BeeAyeEye> mhulan: i mean, this is ugly but, if the interface is bonded, and one of it's "members" is the interface it's sharing an ip with, can't we make an exception for that  


     I understand that in the end, the solution doesn't matter but we would need to be able to kickstart (provision) via the eth0 (or whatever) interface, but have bond0 created / managed after the initial boot / kickstart of a machine.   
