Feature #18964
Updated by Thomas McKay over 7 years ago
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1344681 1. Proposed title of this feature request [RFE]Docker Regsitry Image Name Format on katello satellite 6 3. What is the nature and description of the request? >> Typical Satellite registry: myserver.com:5000/org-redhat-openshift3_ose satellite.com:5000/org-redhat-openshift3_ose In the above url org -> organization name redhat -> product name openshift3_ose is the container repository customer wants this to be myserver.com:5000/openshift3/ose satellite.com:5000/openshift3/ose We cannot change this in katello Satellite by using any workaround We can modify the default location that ansible uses by including directive oreg_url We would create repositories for all openshift3 container images on katello Satellite using the following format -> org-redhat-openshift3-ose-${component}. Example 1: For OSE docker image: openshift3/ose-docker-builder then repository will be named org-redhat-openshift3-ose-docker-builder. Example 2: For OSE docker image: openshift3/ose-haproxy-router then repository will be named org-redhat-openshift3-ose-haproxy-router In the ansible playbook, you can refer the katello Satellite registry by using oreg_url oreg_url=myserver.com:5000/org-redhat-openshift3-ose-${component}:${version} oreg_url=satellite.com:5000/org-redhat-openshift3-ose-${component}:${version} Ansible will replace the component and version appropriately