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Sebastian Gräßl, 03/06/2018 11:40 AM

Latest Demo Information


Demo Checklist


  • If demoing a terminal
    - ensure the font is large (typically 2 shift-ctrl-+)
    - ensure your color and font are readable from arms length to the keyboard as a heuristic
  • If demoing a browser
    - when on a widescreen monitor, shrink the browser width to 1300-1400 pixels
    - increase browser zoom if possible (ensure it doesn't break styling)
  • If demoing a presentation
    - ensure you hide or remove action bars or do a full screen presentation
  • Include initial background on the topic. For example, if demoing an update to the Content Views UI, remind the audience what a content view is and how to get to the starting point of the UI.
  • Remember that you are trying to inform users why the change is important for them to know and how they can make use of it.


  • Use the CameraMan app in HangoutsOnAir to hide the feeds from the other presenters - remember to select the feed of whoever is talking!
  • Start by introducing what the general theme of the Demo is, and the overall flow, include:
    - What the demo is for
    - When and how questions can be taken (e.g. at the end, after each presenter, using the Q&A app, whether the moderator will read the questions or the presenters)
    - If there is a time limit, mention at the start for the presenters that you will be timing and enforcing
  • If possible, add intro slides before each presenter so that the viewers know who to talk to in IRC

Agenda - next demo 2018-02-08

  • Intro & General updates (dLobatog)
  • Foreman Telemetry intro (lzap, 5-10 min)
  • Actionable Toast notifications (sharvit, 5 min)
  • Ansible Report View improvements (bastilian, 5min)



  • Intro & General updates (orabin)
  • NIL values in hammer (mbacovsk, 2 min)
  • REX and notifications (mhulan, 2 mins)
  • Table rows highlight on hover (mhulan, 1 min)
  • Foreman Ansible 2.0 updates (dlobatog, 5m)
  • REX password / pubkey with passphrase auth (aruzicka, 3mins)
  • Report Origin and Report scanner(s) (bastilian, 5min)
  • Searchable fields in API docs (tstrachota, 5min)


  • Intro & General updates (orabin)
  • HSTS disable option (tbrisker, 1m)
  • HW model for hostgroup (oprazak, 2m)
  • Breadcrumbs and item switcher in Katello (walden, 3m)
  • Red Hat Repositories (walden, 2m)
  • Logging changes in core (lzap, 5m)
  • Discourse updates (gwmngilfen, 5m)


  • Intro & General updates (orabin)
  • RSS blog notifications (dlobatog, 3m)
  • OpenStack v3 compatibility (dlobatog, 3m)
  • Pre-made role for registering hosts with rhn (dlobatog, 3m)
  • Fact filtering (shimshtein, 10m)
  • Plugin introduction: foreman-probing (aruzicka, 5-10m)
  • apipie-diff tool (tstrachota, 2 minutes)


  • Intro & General updates (orabin)
  • Discourse updates (gwmngilfen)
  • Latest improvements in fact importing - performance and filtering (shimshtein, 7 min)
  • Subscription-manager in Debian (mdellweg, 10 min)
  • Ignoring global proxy on sync (jsherrill, 2 mins)
  • Faster content view publish (jsherrill 2 mins)


  • Intro & General updates (orabin)
  • HTTP Proxies (jsherrill, 3min)
  • UI changes (mshira, 2min)
  • OpenSCAP title validation (mshira, 1min)
  • DNS check in installer (croberts, 7min)
  • Upgrade Foreman using foreman_maintain (swapab, 10 mins)
  • Rails telemetry proposal (lzap, 10 min)
  • Discourse proposal (gwmngilfen, 10min)
  • Introducing Docker Manifest List Content Type in Katello (partha, 5 min)


  • Intro & General updates (gwmngilfen)
  • Sponsors needed!
  • Installing 3rd party js libraries for plugins (oprazak, 2 min)
  • Vertical navigation (desktop & mobile) (amirfefer, 2 min)
  • A new way to close the notifications drawer (sharvit, 2 min)
  • Inspecting dynflow queue and setting workers count (aruzicka, 2min)


  • Intro & General updates (gwmngilfen)
  • Using React components in plugins (oprazak, 3min)
  • Using the HTTP-proxy setting aka. Foreman behind a Firewall (bastilian, 7min)
  • AMA / Dev chat


  • Intro & General updates (gwmngilfen)
  • Locking plugin roles (oprazak, 2 min)
  • Default description of roles (mhulan, 2 min)
  • Improved templates auditing (mhulan, 2 min)
  • OpenSCAP plugin objects audited (mhulan, 2 min)
  • Login page changes (bastilian, 3 min)
  • Improved templates history (bastilian, 2 min)
  • Import Ansible roles from multiple role_paths (bastilian, 5 min)
  • Vert Nav demo (gwmngilfen)



  • Intro & General updates (gwmngilfen)
  • Granular permission on resource creation/updating (mhulan, 5 mins)
  • ActiveJob creation/scheduling jobs introduction (dlobatog, 5 min)
  • Asynchronous ssh in REX (aruzicka, 5-10min)
  • Aborting jobs in REX + polling sub tasks (inecas, < 5min)

2017-07-13 8th Birthday!

  • Intro & General updates (gwmngilfen)
  • Foreman proxy w/ content backup, restore, and hostname change (jomitsch, 5 mins)
  • Foreman-Docker 3.2.1 Updates (bastilian 5mins)
  • Fast host list API (tbrisker, 2min)
  • Search and dashboard load time improvements + new task widget column (tbrisker, 2min)
  • New package: foreman-bootloaders-redhat (lzap, 3min)
  • Foreman discovery helper script (lzap, 4min)
  • Webpack support for plugins(5min, dlobatog)
  • Rails 5 quick summary (2min, dlobatog)
  • Storybook deployer (1m - ?)
  • Host info: What it is and new providers approach (shimshtein, 10-15min)
  • Support for mapping netgroups to user groups (tstracho, 5min)
  • Updates in ansible roles for installing Foreman, Katello and provisioning setup (tstracho, 2min)


  • Intro & General updates (gwmngilfen)
  • Foreman-maintain - pre-upgrade checks pass: now what? The end-2-end upgrade scenario (inecas, 5 min)
  • Migrations generator - add migrations easily with a simple command (shimshtein 10 min)
  • Improvements in foreman_templates - API for exports, handling locked templates (oprazak, 3min)
  • Gofer-less clients (jsherrill, 3 min)
  • new built-in role Organization admin (mhulan, 2 min)
  • kerberos authentication for remote execution (aruzicka, 3 min)
  • virt_who_configure plugin (mhulan, 10 min) feel free to keep me last
  • Foreman and Katello on remote DB (mbacovsk, 5 min)
  • performance enhancements for foreman_openscap (oprazak, 2 min)




  • General updates (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • Summit roundup (discr33t, 5min)
  • What's new in Foreman Discovery Image (lzap, 5-10min)
  • Foreman-maintain: end2end upgrade scenario (inecas, 5 min)
  • SSL support in Hammer (mbacovsk, 5-10min)
  • Retry on session expiry in Hammer (tstrachota, 3min)
  • hammer-cli-experimental - cli feature incubator (tstrachota, 8min)
  • Multiple hosts action selection (amirfefer, 3min)


Foreman AMA -


  • General updates (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • SSH Keys for Users (gwmngilfen for timo, 5min)
  • CSV export (tbrisker, 5 minutes)
  • foreman_openscap improvements - report download in HTML and running scans from UI (oprazak, 3min)
  • global default templates (oprazak, 2 min)
  • roles seeded by foreman are locked (oprazak, 2 min)
  • templates seeded by foreman are locked (mhulan, 5 min)


  • General updates (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • Katello pulp-max-speed (toledo, 5min)
  • Force sync and verify sync (jsherrill, 3 min)
  • Container registry product discovery (thomasmckay, 5min)
  • Foreman-maintain updates (inecas, 5 min)
  • Foreman-puppetdiff plugin (gwmngilfen,10min)
  • New notifications -Provisioning, discovery etc (ohadlevy, 3min)


  • Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • API for Hidden Parameters (orabin, 2min)
  • Tailoring files for foreman_openscap (oprazak, 5min)
  • Config group hammer commands for host/group (oprazak, 2min)
  • New Katello UI (the removal of nutupane) (walden, 5min)
  • Ansible roles for installing foreman and plugins in Forklift (tstrachota, 3min)
  • Ansible 1.4.4 release - roles_path support, 2 minor bugfixes (dlobatog, 3min)
  • Foreman-maintain introduction - tool designed for unifying tools regarding maintenance actions
    in various variations of Foreman/Satellite, with focus on health checks/fixes and upgrades at the beginning (inecas, 5min)
  • tool for parsing sosreports and importing the logs to centralized logger (proof of concept)(mbacovsk, 5-10min)
  • Performance enhancements in Katello repository syncing (jomitsch 3 min)


  • Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • Ansible 1.4.0 updates:
    • Play hostgroup roles - 3m
    • Play host roles after host is provisioned - 2m
    • Display which proxy ran which task - 1m
    • connection_type, verbosity and WinRM cert validation settings - 1m
  • Notifications UI:
    • How it looks - 2m
    • For devs: how it works and how to add your notifications - 2m
  • Hammer sessions (tstrachota, 5min)
  • Auditing password changes (dhlavacd, 3min)
  • Tailoring files for foreman_openscap (oprazak, 5min)
  • Foreman Templates exporting (mhulan, 5 min)
  • New macros for templates (oprazak, 2min)
  • Making ignored, unavailable and inherited Puppet Classes apparent (bastilian, 5min)
  • Docker content view filters (thomasmckay, 5min)
  • Force generate repo metadata (jsherrill, 2 min)
  • Publish 'Latest' component of a Composite(partha 5 min)
  • CoreOS updates with Foreman Omaha & Smart-Proxy Omaha (timogoebel, 7 min)


  • Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • Options to disable updates from facts (dlobatog on behalf of Trey Dockendorf from Ohio Supercomputer Center, 2m)
  • New Ansible options (tbrisker, 2min)
  • Front-end/JS progress this year (tbrisker, 3min)


  • Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • Azure plugin 1.2 update (dlobatog, 5m)
  • Katello restarting apps after an update (sean797, 5m)
  • settings for foreman_templates + import from filesystem (oprazak, 5min)
  • power info on hosts/index page (oprazak, 2min)
  • Memory watcher for Dynflow (shimshtein, 5min)
  • Multiple executors in foreman-tasks (shimshtein, 5min)
  • Compute Resource (downloadable) key pairs (shlomizadok, 3min)
  • Parameters permissions unification (mhulan, 5min)
  • Templates exporting (mhulan, 3 min)
  • Listing roles inherited from usergroups (dhlavacd, 4 min)


  • Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • Foreman tracer (lzap, 10min)
  • Candlepin 2.0: Moving manifest code into dynflow (daviddavis, 5min)
  • Download Policy for a Smart Proxy with Content (formally known as a capsule) (jsherrill, 2 min)
  • Extended hammer host create help (tstrachota, 2 min)


  • Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • glob support for package uploads in the CLI (daviddavis, 2 min)
  • multi-env content view promotions (daviddavis, 3 min)
  • Package Applicability page (daviddavis, 3 min)
  • Package applicability in the CLI (daviddavis, 1 min)
  • Package Applicability for Hosts (jsherrill, 2 min)
  • Force publish Content View puppet environment (jsherrill, 1 min)
  • Content View Filter Rules support architecture (akofink, 2 min)
  • Composite Content Views: Allow them to contain component views that share the same repository (bbuckingham, 4 min)
  • hammer_cli_foreman_openscap (oprazak, 3 min)
  • statistics page charts (gsteiger, 2 min)


  • Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • Run ansible playbooks with and without smart-proxy (+ ability to use remote execution without a proxy) (inecas, 5 minutes)
  • Infoblox support in installer (inecas, 4 minutes)
  • Roles <3 Orgs and Locs (mhulan dlobatog, 5min)
  • RAM field for libvirt, ovirt (mhulan tbrisker, 2min)
    * hammer openscap plugin (mhulan, 2min)
  • Manual Applicability Generation in Katello (jsherrill, 1 min)
  • Applicable Packages api (Jsherrill, 2 minutes)
  • Incremental Updates - Auto-generate description summarizing the update (bbuckingham, 2 min)
  • Composite Content Views - UI indicator that newer version available for a component (bbuckingham, 1 min)
  • Omit checkbox instead of use puppet default (orabin, 1 min)
  • Rewrite of MS DHCP provider using dhcps API (dmitri, < 5min).
  • Katello puppet 3 to 4 upgrade via installer (beav, 5 min)
  • Managing content inside Rhel 7 container in a Rhel Atomic Host (partha, 2 min)
  • OSTree Branch Search (partha, 1 min)


  • Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • Importing Ansible roles (oprazak 3min)
  • Assigning Ansible roles to hostgroups (tstrachota, 5min)
  • Ability to set ssh port for remote execution (inecas/community, 5min)
  • Searching hosts by registered capsule (jomitsch, 3min)
  • Lazy sync feature status update (bbuckingham, 2min)
  • Initial support for UEFI in Foreman (lzap, 10min)
  • Statistics & Dashboard improvements (tbrisker, 3min)



  • Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • Community @ Red Hat Summit - summary (TBA, 5min)
  • foreman_expire_hosts Plugin (timogoebel, 5min)
  • IPv6 (timogoebel, 5min)
  • foreman_azure plugin (dlobatog, 5min)
  • foreman_ansible roles (dlobatog, 5min)


  • Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • CSV exporter framework for (lzap, 5min)
  • Hammer CLI Foreman Admin (lzap, 5min)
  • E-mail styling & setting collection (amirfefer, 3m)


  • Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • 1.11.2 release (gwmngilfen, 2min)
  • Shiny new things coming in Pulp (mhrivnak, 5min)
  • Update all packages on a Content Host in the UI (jomitsch, 3min)
  • Test coverage automation in hammer-cli-katello (akofink, 2min)
  • Puppet 4 support update (gwmngilfen, 5min)


  • Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • Remote execution template sharing - import/export (stbenjam, 5 min)
  • New libvirt DHCP/DNS provider (lzap, 5 min)
  • Foreman training course (dgoetz, 10min)


  • Community updates from gwmngilfen
  • Meet-the-Developer chats with Daniel and Eric


  • Community updates (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • New features in Discovery 5.0 (lzap, 10mins)
    - New show page (Alon Goldboim)
    - Org/Loc selectors in settings (Daniel Lobato)
    - Hostname fact (@Imri Zvik)
    - E-mail reporting (Shlomi Zadok)
  • New features in Discovery Image 3.1 (lzap, 5mins)
    - Bugfixes, RHEL 7.2 support
    - Smaller size (livecd-creator patch)
    - Root password in encrypted form (fdi.rootpw)
    - LLDP service (master only)
  • Capsule content CLI (tstrachota, 3min)
  • Merging compute profile attributes in CLI (tstrachota, 2min)
  • Host unification updates (jsherrill, 4 min)


  • Community updates (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • Lazy sync (daviddavis, 5min)
  • remote execution:
    - advanced job control (limiting concurrency level, distributing tasks over time) (5min, aruzicka)
    - developer API, Katello integration and PXE-less reprovision (6min, inecas)
  • Client side pagination in role filters (1min, shimshtein)
  • Atomic provisioning from default install media (2min, dlobatog)
  • Ansible inventory integration (3min, dlobatog)


  • Community updates, events & plans (gwmngilfen, 5min)
  • Nested parameters in locations and organizations (1m, orabin)
  • Patternfly changes (5m, dlobatog)
  • shoulda tests (1m, dlobatog)
  • remote execution:
    - ability to compose job template from other templates (inecas, 5min)
    - usability improvements (job name behavior change and others) (5min, mhulan)
  • Smart Proxy status page:
    - Overview, Puppet, PuppetCA (5m, tbrisker)
    - Logs (5m lzap)
    - pulp disk usage (author: szadok, presenter: oprazak, 3m)
    - pulp content and sync status (tstrachota, 5m)
  • Installer scenarios migrations (mbacovsk, 5m)
  • Host facet api integration (jsherrill, 3m)


  • poor's man bare-metal image-based provisioning (10m, lzap)
  • remote execution:
    - cli for remote execution (5m, stbenjam)
    - recurring actions and job descriptions for remote execution (5-7m, aruzicka)
    - effective user a.k.a sudo support (5m, inecas)
  • setting parameters for organizations and locations from CLI (2m, tstrachota)
  • parameter inline override UI update + hidden button (2m tbrisker)
  • hammer_cli defaults option(5m, agoldboi)


  • yum repo export/import (5m, beav)
  • remote execution iteration 4 (5m, stbenjam)
  • foreman_ansible (5m , dlobatog)
  • scoped search for content hosts and subscriptions (4m, jomitsch)
  • Rails 4 migration (5m, the_doctor)
  • new compliance reports for foreman_openscap (3m, oprazak)
  • community announcements (any/all/none of these, as time permits - thanks!)
    - CFP for FOSDEM (CfgMgmt and Virtualization DevRooms), we need more talks! See mailing list for details
    - Case Study on High Availability yesterday if you missed it - see youtube channel
    - Deep Dive on windows imaging next week - see mailing list for details
    - New blog is live and open for guest posts -


  • foreman_cockpit (dlobatog, 3 mins)
  • Host unification update (jsherrill, 4 mins)
  • Parameters usability update - override inline (tbrisker, 3mins)
  • Automatic table cell clipping on overflow (tbrisker, 2 mins)
  • Discovered hosts new index view (agoldboi, 3 mins)
  • foreman_remote_execution - job status live update, execution status (mhulan, <5 mins)
  • [optional] Foreman Community Strategy recap (gwmngilfen, 5mins)


  • PXE-less unattended provisioning (lzap, 10 mins)
  • foreman_remote_execution - recurring actions update (aruzicka, 5 mins)
  • foreman deployments release & docs (tstrachota, 3 mins)
  • Foreman-Opensearch plugin (ShimShtein, 5 mins)
  • foreman_openscap arf reports redesign (shlomizadok, 5 mins)
  • foreman_openscap compliance status (oprazak, 3 mins)
  • foreman_theme plugin (agoldboi, 3 mins)
  • LDAP connection test (afeferku, 3 min)
  • installer - switching scenarios (mbacovsk, 5 min)
  • Foreman Windows Imaging (wimaging-ng) (helge000, 10min)


  • Host status split (5 min / mhulan)
  • Foreman Remote Execution updates (10 min / inecas/stbenjam)
  • Installer scenarios (7 min / mbacovsk)
  • Configuring Foreman with existing services (4 mins / lzap)
  • Usability of parameters updates (3 min / orabin)
  • host unification update (3 min/ jsherrill)
  • Atomic bare metal host provisioning (3m / elobato)
  • Ostree hammer cli + publish/promotion (4m / partha)
  • Community update (2min / gwmngilfen)
  • Image-based provisioning for libvirt-based VMs (< 5 mins / dmitri)
  • Puppet modules to scoped search (4 min / ehelms)


  • Foreman Remote Execution updates: job invocation UI (inecas/mhulan 5min)
  • ForemanOpenscap notifications (oprazak 3min)
  • Katello's Content Dashboard has been migrated to main Dashboard (ehelms 2min)
  • Scoped search conversion:
    - Rpm (jlsherrill 3min)
    - Package Groups (jomitsch 3min)
  • Katello Ostree features (Partha 8 min)
    - Ostree create
    - Manage Branches
    - Sync
    - Content View Add/Remove
    - Publish
  • Atomic bare metal provisioning (Daniel Lobato 5m)


  • New option in discovery image: fdi.initnet (lzap, 5 min)
  • PXELess discovery update (lzap, 5 min)
  • Updates in hammer - new command for building pxe default, listing all records by default (tstrachota, 3 min)
  • Versioned API documentation at (tstrachota, 3 min)
  • News in foreman remote execution (inecas, 10 minutes)
  • rake foreman_tasks:cleanup (inecas, 3 minutes)
  • discovered hosts status dashboard widget (stbenjam, 2.5 minutes)
  • preview of upcoming UI changes to parameters (tbrisker, 5 minutes)
  • new "Inherit" button in host edit form (sshtein, 5 minutes)


  • Partition Tables new features (Marek Hulán, 5 minutes)
  • Small things (lzap, 4 minutes)
    - foreman-debug no longer uploads by default (use -u option)
    - VNC/SPICE websockify port is randomly selected from the whole pool instead of incremental approach (update your firewalls)
  • Salt automatic state importing (stephen)
  • Dynflow 0.8.1: multiple executors, concurrent-ruby at backend, socket-less (inecas 4 minutes)
  • Remote Execution: Dynflow and basics for SSH provider on smart proxy (inecas 4 minutes)
  • Remote Execution: Job templates (Marek, 5 minutes)
  • select2.js (elobato, 1 minute)

Updated by Sebastian Gräßl over 6 years ago · 570 revisions locked