Parameterized class development Ofavre analysis » History » Version 2
Olivier Favre, 06/27/2012 08:34 AM
Few words about uncontrolled mandatory parameters
1 | 1 | Olivier Favre | h1. Parameterized class development - Ofavre's analysis |
2 | |||
3 | h2. Puppet classes parameters and smart variables |
4 | |||
5 | h3. Making the smart-proxy return the parameters |
6 | |||
7 | Puppet classes parameters are given by the smart-proxy: |
8 | The current answer of smart-proxies are: |
9 | <pre> |
10 | [ |
11 | { |
12 | "amodule::aclass" : |
13 | { |
14 | "module" : "amodule", |
15 | "name" : "aclass" |
16 | } |
17 | }, |
18 | ... |
19 | ] |
20 | </pre> |
21 | I've extended it to give the extracted parameters, using the "@Puppet::Parser@": |
22 | <pre> |
23 | [ |
24 | { |
25 | "amodule::aclass" : |
26 | { |
27 | "module" : "amodule", |
28 | "name" : "aclass", |
29 | "params" : {} # no parameters |
30 | } |
31 | }, |
32 | { |
33 | "amodule::aparameterizedclass" : |
34 | { |
35 | "module" : "amodule", |
36 | "name" : "aparameterizedclass", |
37 | "params" : { |
38 | "mandatoryParam" : null, |
39 | "optionalNumericParam" : "42", |
40 | "optionalStringParam" : "\"foo\"" |
41 | "optionalConcatParam" : "company@$::hostname" |
42 | } |
43 | } |
44 | }, |
45 | ... |
46 | ] |
47 | </pre> |
48 | The values of the parameters are either @null@ if there is none, or the string representation of the @AST::Leaf@ (see "lib/puppet/parser/ast/leaf.rb": |
49 | Its likely not perfect yet. |
50 | |||
51 | h3. Storing the parameters in the db |
52 | |||
53 | We can do multiple things to represent the parameters in the database, but we need to know what we want to do with them before choosing the right representation. |
54 | We want to: |
55 | * Be able to sync the db when importing puppet classes. |
56 | This means addition, deletion of puppet classes __and__ parameters. |
57 | * Control the value of the parameter using a smart-variable, with a potentially complex set of matchers. |
58 | We never want to loose this complex configuration. |
59 | |||
60 | So we can directly: |
61 | * Create a new smart-variable for each new {puppetclass, parameter} couple on importing |
62 | * But we need not to delete a smart-variable for an obsolete {puppetclass, parameter} couple. |
63 | (We could do it automatically if and only if the description and default value were left intact, and there is no matchers). |
64 | |||
65 | But this will not be very practical: |
66 | * New mandatory parameters would need their smart-variable configured, or it will generate errors. |
67 | Hence we need to make this visible somehow. |
68 | * An old smart-variable, no longer attached to a valid {puppetclass, parameter} couple cannot easily be reassigned to a new, valid couple, without erasing an existing (automatically created) smart-variable. |
69 | This makes it __impractical__ for the user interface. __But note that it__ is __feasible.__ |
70 | * Note that puppetclass or parameter renames __cannot__, generally speaking, be detected. Hence we can only to add/delete. |
71 | |||
72 | So we would need to separate puppetclass parameters from the eventual smart-variables that will control them. |
73 | That way: |
74 | * We can show the obsolete smart-variables (no longer bound to a value {puppetclass, parameter} couple). |
75 | * We can show uncontrolled parameters: puppetclass parameters without a bound smart-variable. |
76 | We can visually separate mandatory uncontrolled parameters from optional ones (which have a default value, hence won't raise errors). |
77 | * Provide a way to rebind an obsolete smart-variable to a yet unbound {puppetclass, parameter} couple. |
78 | * Provide a way to create a smart-variable for an uncontrolled parameter, presenting a form for the necessary configuration. |
79 | * Additionally provide an easy way to automatically create a noop smart-variable for an optional parameter. |
80 | |||
81 | So we need to easily see the mapping between smart-variables and puppetclasses parameters. |
82 | We can either: |
83 | * Store a serialized hash into a new parameters column of the puppetclasses table. |
84 | But this would mean parsing them all to see which are not controlled by a smart-variable. |
85 | * Create an entry in the parameters __table__ of type @PuppetClassParameter@, filling the name and value from the smart-proxy's output and binding it to the corresponding puppetclass. |
86 | |||
87 | I favor the second solution. Do you see any other? |
88 | |||
89 | 2 | Olivier Favre | h2. Mandatory parameters |
90 | |||
91 | First we'll have to make smart-variables explicitly either optional or mandatory. |
92 | A mandatory smart-variable has no default value and should raise an error if its matchers yield no value during evaluation. |
93 | |||
94 | What should we do when creating a new host with a class without a smart-variable controlling a mandatory parameter? |
95 | * Raise an error "please contact your sysadmin"? |
96 | * Provide a text field to provide a value? |
97 | Where should the value be stored? (as a HostParameter, with a @"puppetclass::"@ prefix?) |
98 | * Create a smart-variable with a @order:fqdn@ and a matcher on the @fqdn@ for the host to build? |
99 | |||
100 | 1 | Olivier Favre | h2. Supporting non uniform classes across environments |
101 | |||
102 | In puppet, classes are totally separate from an environment to another. |
103 | Hence it is possible that classes have the same name in two environments while having different parameters. |
104 | Currently puppetclasses are linked to environments with an __n-n__ relation. |
105 | This need to be changed to a __n-1__ relation (envs. having many classes, a class belonging to a single env.). |
106 | |||
107 | However, in order to reduce redundancy in the configuration, we may need to bind a smart-variable to multiple environments, ie. to same-named puppet classes across different environments. |