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Dominic Cleal, 09/18/2015 06:04 AM
today's security process
Security process¶
If you need to report a potential security issue, please email (a private address) immediately so we can help investigate it.
Please see for up to date information on known vulnerabilities and fixes. This page is a development/triage resource only.
foreman-security list¶
The foreman-security mailing list is an invite-only group of Foreman developers, distribution maintainers and security response experts. At the time of writing, it has nine members, which for obvious reasons, we try to keep at a minimum.
The responsibility of the group is to triage incoming notifications from the public and other Foreman developers, analyse and write up the issue, assign a CVE identifier, and to ensure the fix is shipped correctly. It isn't the responsibility of the security team to write the fix/patch.
Vulnerability process¶
When an issue is reported, the following process should be followed by one or more people on the foreman-security list.
- Reporter emails with information about the issue.
- Security team member replies to the reporter, CCing the list to acknowledge the report.
- Security team member investigates the issue and if invalid, replies to the reporter and list to reject it.
- If the report is valid, the security team member should judge the severity or email the list to decide on it.
- Higher/critical severity issues will be embargoed.
- Lower/medium severity issues will be handled in public as regular bug reports, but with a CVE assigned.
- Determine the affected versions of Foreman through code analysis, if possible.
For unembargoed/public issues:
- Security team files a Redmine issue with all relevant details and reproducer information.
- Set Category to Security
- Set Release to the next minor/major depending on severity.
- Reply to the reporter and list to provide the ticket URL and inform them on how it's being handled.
- The Redmine ticket can be picked up and worked as usual.
- Consider emailing foreman-dev to help get a developer assigned to the ticket.
- Email (Red Hat Security Response Team), CCing foreman-security, providing all relevant details and requesting a CVE identifier. Expect a response within 48 working hours.
- On receiving a CVE identifier:
- Update the security webpage with details.
- Prefix the Redmine ticket title with the CVE identifier.
For embargoed issues, handle in a similar way with these exceptions:
- Take extreme care to make no public comments, emails, pull requests or IRC conversations on the subject. Ensure anybody working on the issue follows the same.
- Decide a suitable unembargo date (often ~2 weeks) when it would also be suitable to make a release of Foreman.
- File a Redmine issue, but set the Private flag which makes the ticket visible to security team members and Redmine administrators.
- Attach proposed patches to the Redmine issue, review in comments preferably.
- On unembargo, change the Private flag of the Redmine ticket to false. Submit the patch as a pull request and/or merge if tests are green.
- Have the release manager of the current stable branch(es) make a patch release.
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 9 years ago · 1 revisions