TemplateWriting » History » Version 9
Justin Sherrill, 02/01/2011 05:35 PM
1 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | h1. Templates |
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5 | 4 | Justin Sherrill | The following functions and macros can be used within templates. These are guaranteed to work via the safemode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful. With safemode disabled ($$ADD instructions here$$), other macros may work, but are not supported at this time. |
6 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |
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8 | 8 | Justin Sherrill | h2. Accessing Templates |
9 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |
10 | 8 | Justin Sherrill | There are two ways to render a template, based on a single host, or based on a Hostgroup. |
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12 | h3. Host-based Rendering |
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17 | h3. Hostgroup-based rendering |
18 | 9 | Justin Sherrill | |
19 | 8 | Justin Sherrill | Allows any template to be rendered for any Hostgroup. When rendering using a hostgroup, @host is actually the hostgroup instead of a defined host. The default values for the hostgroup are used for templated values. This means if a value is not set in the hostgroup, you may get an error when rendering the template. To access a template using a Hostgroup to render, simply use this URL: |
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21 | /unattended/template/Template Name/Hostgroup Name |
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23 | For example, a hostgroup of name Finance, and a template named WebServerKickstart could be rendered using the url: |
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25 | /unattended/template/WebServerKickstart/Hostgroup |
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28 | h2. Writing templates |
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32 | h2. Functions and macros: |
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34 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |_.Name|_.Description|_.Example| |
35 | |root_pass |The root password configured for the system| | |
36 | 7 | Justin Sherrill | |ks_console | | | |
37 | 6 | Justin Sherrill | |snippets(name) | Renders the specified snippet | | |
38 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |foreman_url(kind)| Provides the full URL to a host-rendered template of the given kind | foreman_url("provision") => http://HOST/unattended/provision | |
39 | |@host |The name of the host| | |
40 | |@host.name |The name of the host| | |
41 | |@host.diskLayout |The disklayout of the host (could come from the operating system)| | |
42 | |@host.puppetmaster |The puppetmaster the host should use | | |
43 | |@host.architecture |The arch of the host (i.e. x86_64)| | |
44 | |@host.operatingsystem|The operating system name| | |
45 | |@host.operatingsystem.media_url ||| |
46 | |@host.operatingsystem.major |The major version of the OS|| |
47 | |@host.operatingsystem.minor |The minor version of the OS|| |
48 | |@host.operatingsystem.family |The OS Family (I.e. redhat, debian, etc.)|| |
49 | |@host.url_for_boot(:kernel) ||| |
50 | |@host.url_for_boot(:initrd) ||| |
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53 | 2 | Justin Sherrill | |
54 | 8 | Justin Sherrill | h3. Kickstart only variables: |
55 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |
56 | |_.Name|_.Description|_.Example| |
57 | |@dynamic ||| |
58 | |@osver ||| |
59 | |@arch ||| |
60 | |@mediapath ||| |
61 | |@epel ||| |
62 | |@yumrepo ||| |
63 | |@static ||| |
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65 | 8 | Justin Sherrill | h3. Preseed attributes: |
66 | 6 | Justin Sherrill | |
67 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |_.Name|_.Description|_.Example| |
68 | |@preseed_path ||| |
69 | |@preseed_server ||| |