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Kyle Baker, 12/03/2014 10:52 AM
Disconnected Satellite Server¶
This is a template to start with. To create new feature, make up a URL of your preference and set Parent page (bellow the form) to Features. Write a summary, owners, current status and keep the page up to date.
Targeted Release¶
- Foreman 1.9 / Katello 2.3
Targeted Persona¶
System Engineer
h3. User Stories¶
Owner - David Caplan
Status - In Progress
Expected Delivery - 01/01/15
Blockers - None
Owner - Mike Mccune / David Caplan
Status - In Progress
Expected Delivery - 01/01/15
Blockers - None
Owner - Kyle Baker
Status - In Progress
Expected Delivery - 01/01/15
Blockers - None
Last updated 01/01/2015 - whatever/whatever.pdf
Development Stories¶
Owner - Foreman (TBD) Katello (TBD)
Status - In Progress
Expected Delivery - 01/01/15
Blockers - Waiting on Wireframes
h3. User Stories¶
- Operational demands are too excessive
- +1 on Subs
- duplication of function
- Correction
- Collapse the Sync Host functionality into Satellite and declare victory.
- Parity with Satellite 5. Single workflow, export
- Unrelated work to package CDN into ISOs as another means, satellite will be able to directly import these content ISOs. Alternate
- Export Content Views (Part 2)
- Workflows: Basic
- Satellite Operator (a.k.a “Operator”) imports Manifest into Satellite 6
- Operator enables repos for syncing
- Sync is started
- After Sync is complete the Operator can immediately perform an export of the last sync of enable repos
- Alternatively the Operator can add or remove existing enabled repos prior to the export
- At any time the Operator can visit the repo table in the library and check off which products/packages are needed for export and then submit.
- In all cases the Operator must specify a filesystem to the install and optionally indicate that the repo data be compressed
- Workflows: Advanced
- The Operator can list all resources created on the Satellite by Organization
- From this list the Operator can select resources to be packaged for export
- The packaging process tracks dependencies with repos in the library
- e.g. collections of CV’s selected for export will require specific repos in the library, those repos will be automatically included in the export
- All exported meta-data is encrypted and can only be imported by a registered Satellite of the same version (or newer by 1 minor release 6.0 -> 6.1)
- The export process creates a human readable export manifest that identifies each included resource type along with time stamps and other related meta-data
- The exported bundle can then be imported into a registered Satellite in 2 stages
- Stage 1: All content views appear in the library only
- Stage 2: CV and CCV are auto published and promoted into matching environments (missing environments are auto created)
- The exported bundle can be transported to the intended Satellite using SSL and a web service established just for this purpose.
- The exported bundle can be simultaneously transported to multiple Satellites
- All Export activity is logged
- Inter Sat sync is an HTTP connection
- Message bus application publish CV’s on the bus, satellite’s subscribe
Updated by Kyle Baker over 10 years ago · 7 revisions