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Justin Sherrill, 10/24/2014 11:18 AM


User stories:

  • As a user, I should be able to select multiple errata, and 'apply them' to multiple content views in multiple environments, generating new minor versions in the process that replace the older version in each environment
  • As a user, I would expect errata that are added to a new point release to use dependency resolution to ensure needed dependencies are added
  • As a user I want to be able to publish multiple subsequent versions with each one adding more and more errata into a content view in an environment.
  • As a user, I should be able select a subset of environments or content views to push new errata to.
  • As a user, after applying new errata to some set of content views and environments, I should be able to easily initiate an update on all affected systems (optionally).
  • As a user, I would expect updated point releases to update composites with a new point release as well in the respective environments (i.e. if ComponentA gets updated from 1.0 to 1.1, any composite that is using 1.0 will have a new point release bumped and published with the new 1.1 ComponentA and pushed to the environment it was in.

Future Ideas (May design out and pull in if feasible):

  • As a user, repoclosure should be run at some point during the process to tell me if there is a dependency issue, either afterwards or as part of the process halting the push to an environment
  • As a user, I should be able to select multiple packages, and 'apply them' to multiple content views in multiple environments. (for 6.1? or 6.2?)

Updated by Justin Sherrill over 10 years ago · 11 revisions