Pulp 3 Integration » History » Revision 5
Revision 4 (Justin Sherrill, 03/08/2019 03:12 PM) → Revision 5/86 (Justin Sherrill, 03/11/2019 07:01 PM)
h1. Pulp 3 Integration This page is meant to capture links to various resources around pulp3 integration * Initial Integration Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eFM4H9BteA_nTDbUkRJgEiqSttXfAtB9-51a_OuwVJw/edit?usp=sharing * Initial Community Post: https://community.theforeman.org/t/pulp-3-migration/10474 * Youtube Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL59WSIBtIpv7tbjnsEAWNcdiOKAmjjgqE * Tasks List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PFx-VAEXlivlqDYR9INMW26AUWtuMS_XtEnwhFVP5Rc/edit?usp=sharing h2. Katello Dev environment with pulp 3 NOTE, THIS DOES NOT WORK UNTIL A NEW VERSION OF SMART-PROXY-PULP IS RELEASED With this setup, pulp3 will run on a 2nd vm (this is temporary) * Install a katello dev environment * run: <pre> yum update http://koji.katello.org/kojifiles/work/tasks/8520/178520/rubygem-smart_proxy_pulp-1.4.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm </pre> * Checkout pulplift: https://github.com/pulp/pulplift * Follow pulplift readme instructions and vagrant up pulp3-sandbox-centos7 * On katello dev env, edit /etc/foreman-proxy/settings.d/pulp3.yml ** add/edit options (replacing dev.pulp3 with ip address or hostname of pulplift box): <pre> :enabled: true :pulp_url: http://dev.pulp3/pulp/ </pre> * restart foreman-proxy: systemctl restart foreman-proxy * refresh your smart proxy, from the Infrastructure > Smart Proxies page * Confirm that you see 'pulp3' show up in the list of features for that smart proxy You're now rockin' Pulp3