

Mark Gargiulo

  • Login: mgargiulo
  • Registered on: 05/28/2015
  • Last sign in: 12/29/2022


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 4 5



12:36 AM Foreman Bug #33754 (Resolved): puppet runs fail after Foreman 3.0.0 upgrade from 2.5.3
So as I have had no response in 22 days, with some in house help I have fixed the issue and am closing this ticket.
Mark Gargiulo


07:53 PM Foreman Bug #33754: puppet runs fail after Foreman 3.0.0 upgrade from 2.5.3
Further information.
I edited the offending line from the stack trace in /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/ge...
Mark Gargiulo


05:58 PM Foreman Bug #33754: puppet runs fail after Foreman 3.0.0 upgrade from 2.5.3
I tried something different this time in an effort to fix the issue in our production foreman server.
I removed the...
Mark Gargiulo


07:59 PM Foreman Bug #33768: Foreman 3.0.0 role permissions changed.
I just upgraded my test server to 3.0.1 and the HostClass edit_classes Filter still does not provide the ability for ... Mark Gargiulo


10:13 PM Foreman Bug #33768 (New): Foreman 3.0.0 role permissions changed.
I have a custom role in foreman 2.5.3 that allows users to edit hosts and add puppet classes via the "Host class -> e... Mark Gargiulo


10:36 PM Foreman Bug #33754: puppet runs fail after Foreman 3.0.0 upgrade from 2.5.3
Some additional info.
I pointed one of the failing nodes to the foreman DEV server (it was a copy of PROD originall...
Mark Gargiulo
10:13 PM Foreman Bug #33754 (Resolved): puppet runs fail after Foreman 3.0.0 upgrade from 2.5.3
I successfully upgraded our DEV foreman instance from 2.5.3 to 3.0.0 after uninstalling the "tfm-rubygem-foreman_expi... Mark Gargiulo


05:18 PM Foreman Bug #31578: External IPAM now fails with "mac address cannot be nil" on Compute Resource deployment.
I can verify that this does indeed fix the external ipam issue, many thanks.
Mark Gargiulo


04:53 PM Foreman Bug #31578: External IPAM now fails with "mac address cannot be nil" on Compute Resource deployment.
it appears that smart_proxy_ipam plugin is now passing back an error that a mac address is needed.
Mark Gargiulo


07:45 PM Foreman Bug #31578: External IPAM now fails with "mac address cannot be nil" on Compute Resource deployment.
I can confirm your PR does indeed work with foreman_ipam 0.1.0.
Mark Gargiulo

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