

Veronika Kabatova


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 3 3



07:30 AM Foreman Bug #11221 (Duplicate): Login failure with unicode surname
Testing Foreman with FreeIPA as LDAP Auth Source (with onthefly_register enabled), user has a unicode surname (full u... Veronika Kabatova


08:09 AM Foreman Feature #11174 (Closed): Don't show password placeholder when empty
When adding IPA server as LDAP Auth Source, after submitting, the password field shows a placeholder even if no passw... Veronika Kabatova


09:30 AM Foreman Bug #11153: Traceback when LDAP authentication password is incorrect
... Veronika Kabatova
08:26 AM Foreman Bug #11153 (Closed): Traceback when LDAP authentication password is incorrect
When you enter wrong password, you get traceback: Could not bind to FreeIPA user uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=re... Veronika Kabatova
08:39 AM Installer Bug #10209: foreman-installer --foreman-ipa-authentication=true fails on RHEL 6
Hi, the problem is still present with... Veronika Kabatova

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