

Archana Kumari

  • Login: archanaserver
  • Registered on: 10/18/2022
  • Last sign in: 10/18/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 2 2
Reported issues 1 16 17


Project Roles Registered on
Foreman Developer 01/19/2023
Installer Developer 01/19/2023
Packaging Developer 01/19/2023
SELinux Developer 01/19/2023
Smart Proxy Developer 01/19/2023
Foreman Maintain Developer 01/19/2023
Hammer CLI Developer 01/19/2023
Plugins Developer 01/19/2023
ABRT Developer 01/19/2023
Ansible Developer 01/19/2023
Boot disk Developer 01/19/2023
Chef Developer 01/19/2023
DigitalOcean Developer 01/19/2023
Discovery Developer 01/19/2023
Docker Developer 01/19/2023
Foreman Remote Execution Developer 01/19/2023
receptor plugin Developer 01/19/2023
foreman-tasks Developer 01/19/2023
foreman_setup Developer 01/19/2023
Infoblox Developer 01/19/2023
Katello Developer 01/19/2023
Hammer CLI CSV Developer 01/19/2023
Hammer CLI Import Developer 01/19/2023
Packaging Developer 01/19/2023
Runcible Developer 01/19/2023
KubeVirt Developer 01/19/2023
MCollective Developer 01/19/2023
OpenNebula Developer 01/19/2023
OpenSCAP Developer 01/19/2023
Salt Developer 01/19/2023
Templates Developer 01/19/2023
virt-who configure Developer 01/19/2023
Xen Developer 01/19/2023
Website Developer 01/19/2023



04:00 PM Foreman Refactor #37429 (Closed): update theforeman-rubocop gem
Applied in changeset commit:foreman|152dd5ed031a07cea100ef42adea922da512848e. Archana Kumari
03:48 PM Foreman Revision 152dd5ed (foreman): Fixes #37429 - Update theforeman-rubocop to v0.1.2
Archana Kumari
03:48 PM Foreman Revision 9b8f759a (foreman): Refs #37429 - Update rubocop todo file
Archana Kumari


07:00 PM Katello Refactor #37517 (Closed): Upgrade theforeman-rubocop gem to the v0.1.0
Applied in changeset commit:katello|12b5a3d2cd8f554629762b4a8aafc358cbee2ffb. Archana Kumari
06:39 PM Katello Revision 12b5a3d2 (katello): Fixes #37517 - Upgrade theforeman-rubocop gem to the v0.1.0
Choose to inherit `lenient.yml` from `theforeman-rubocop` style, because
that it matches to the rubocop style this re...
Archana Kumari


12:00 PM Foreman Bug #37926 (Closed): Rubocop layout rules fix
Applied in changeset commit:foreman|de10bb2ce7238df7fcd6ad5896b5688208fb5d97. Archana Kumari
11:52 AM Foreman Revision 1c3381f6 (foreman): Refs #37926 - Fix rubocop Layout/FirstHashElementIndentation
Archana Kumari
11:52 AM Foreman Revision f694963e (foreman): Refs #37926 - Fix Layout/TrailingWhitespace cop
Archana Kumari
11:52 AM Foreman Revision 6f46eb3d (foreman): Refs #37926 - Fix Lint/LiteralInInterpolation cop
Archana Kumari
11:52 AM Foreman Revision 17f6c036 (foreman): Refs #37926 - Fix Layout/BeginEndAlignment cop
Archana Kumari

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