Adam Lazik
- Login: adamlazik1
- Registered on: 07/02/2024
- Last sign in: 02/06/2025
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 3 | 12 | 15 |
Reported issues | 4 | 12 | 16 |
04:39 PM OpenSCAP Bug #38224 (Ready For Testing): OpenSCAP reports cannot be found when requested from smart proxy after upload times out
- Description of problem:
After OpenSCAP scan finishes successfully and the upload to Foreman server times out, OpenSC...
04:00 PM Templates Bug #38195 (Closed): Template sync doesn't use proxy when ssh used
- Applied in changeset commit:foreman_templates|43b0907186e27cce9c1ac2c1715c5fc63a847b37.
03:43 PM Templates Revision 43b09071 (foreman_templates): Fixes #38195 - Hide http proxy setting when syncing through ssh
- Currently, the HTTP proxy policy setting in ui is displayed at all
times. However it only goes into effect when synci...
02:51 PM Templates Bug #38195 (Closed): Template sync doesn't use proxy when ssh used
Description of problem:
There is a new feature that allows template sync to use proxy when syncing templates. It...
02:00 PM Foreman Bug #37824 (Closed): Hide organization-id and location-id options from api documentation of unscoped resources
- Applied in changeset commit:foreman|6cf6aacd3a2fa181f6a8e82024a575a006dd9dc6.
01:44 PM Foreman Revision 6cf6aacd (foreman): Fixes #37824 - Hide taxonomies from parts of api documentation
- Some resources like user groups, external user groups, and architectures
are not scoped by taxonomies, yet the the ap...
04:00 PM Katello Bug #38025 (Closed): Label option is removed while creating new Organization in UI
- Applied in changeset commit:katello|d3a9089c6cf3a65a990b461c93922abf2642971e.
03:47 PM Katello Revision d3a9089c (katello): Fixes #38025 - Add label option when creating organization
- The label field was removed probably accidentally in #10880.
This action is still doable in api so it should be doabl...
01:00 PM Templates Feature #37900 (Closed): Allow syncing templates through an HTTP proxy
- Applied in changeset commit:foreman_templates|12c0989ee4653741a76d14ac2caf65ca290a8793.
12:47 PM Templates Revision 12c0989e (foreman_templates): Fixes #37900 - Allow syncing templates through HTTP proxy
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