

Adam Lazik

  • Login: adamlazik1
  • Registered on: 07/02/2024
  • Last sign in: 02/06/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 3 12 15
Reported issues 4 12 16



04:39 PM OpenSCAP Bug #38224 (Ready For Testing): OpenSCAP reports cannot be found when requested from smart proxy after upload times out
Description of problem:
After OpenSCAP scan finishes successfully and the upload to Foreman server times out, OpenSC...
Adam Lazik


04:00 PM Templates Bug #38195 (Closed): Template sync doesn't use proxy when ssh used
Applied in changeset commit:foreman_templates|43b0907186e27cce9c1ac2c1715c5fc63a847b37. Adam Lazik
03:43 PM Templates Revision 43b09071 (foreman_templates): Fixes #38195 - Hide http proxy setting when syncing through ssh
Currently, the HTTP proxy policy setting in ui is displayed at all
times. However it only goes into effect when synci...
Adam Lazik


02:51 PM Templates Bug #38195 (Closed): Template sync doesn't use proxy when ssh used

Description of problem:
There is a new feature that allows template sync to use proxy when syncing templates. It...
Adam Lazik


02:00 PM Foreman Bug #37824 (Closed): Hide organization-id and location-id options from api documentation of unscoped resources
Applied in changeset commit:foreman|6cf6aacd3a2fa181f6a8e82024a575a006dd9dc6. Adam Lazik
01:44 PM Foreman Revision 6cf6aacd (foreman): Fixes #37824 - Hide taxonomies from parts of api documentation
Some resources like user groups, external user groups, and architectures
are not scoped by taxonomies, yet the the ap...
Adam Lazik


04:00 PM Katello Bug #38025 (Closed): Label option is removed while creating new Organization in UI
Applied in changeset commit:katello|d3a9089c6cf3a65a990b461c93922abf2642971e. Adam Lazik
03:47 PM Katello Revision d3a9089c (katello): Fixes #38025 - Add label option when creating organization
The label field was removed probably accidentally in #10880.
This action is still doable in api so it should be doabl...
Adam Lazik


01:00 PM Templates Feature #37900 (Closed): Allow syncing templates through an HTTP proxy
Applied in changeset commit:foreman_templates|12c0989ee4653741a76d14ac2caf65ca290a8793. Adam Lazik
12:47 PM Templates Revision 12c0989e (foreman_templates): Fixes #37900 - Allow syncing templates through HTTP proxy
Adam Lazik

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