

Torben Hørup


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 1 3



10:18 AM Foreman Bug #18777: Can not delete host if VM is removed
Update. It works if you de-associate the hosts first.
But maybe it could provide a better error message than
Torben Hørup
09:21 AM Foreman Bug #18777 (New): Can not delete host if VM is removed
Using foreman 1.14.1
foreman_xen 0.5.1-2
Steps to reproduce.
Create host via foreman.
Delete vm on compute reso...
Torben Hørup
09:06 AM Xen Bug #18775 (New): Need to set both min and max memory
* foreman 1.14.1
* foreman_xen 0.5.1-2
* xenserver 7
When creating new host, it is necessary to set both...
Torben Hørup


02:12 PM Xen Bug #18746 (Rejected): No route matches [GET] "/javascripts/compute_resources/xenserver/cache_refresh.js"
Torben Hørup
07:00 AM Xen Bug #18746 (Rejected): No route matches [GET] "/javascripts/compute_resources/xenserver/cache_refresh.js"
Just upgraded to foreman_xen 0.5.0
and Now I get this in foreman.log
2017-03-01T12:54:55 f1a9d974 [app] [I] St...
Torben Hørup

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