

Oded Ramraz

  • Login: OdedRamraz
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  • Registered on: 03/24/2011
  • Last sign in: 05/04/2011


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 3 3



06:01 AM Foreman Feature #426: Ability to power cycle hosts
Ohad , can you please raise the priority of this ticket?
This is very important / basic feature for us.
Oded Ramraz


03:53 PM Foreman Bug #788 (Resolved): API documentation need to be improved
Foreman API documentation should be improved :
* The functions parameters description should be detailed
* Ma...
Oded Ramraz
03:47 PM Foreman Feature #786 (Closed): Add the option to use existing DHCP reservations
Currently , there is no option to use existing DHCP MAC addresses allocations.
Foreman should be able to use / ove...
Oded Ramraz
03:37 PM Foreman Bug #785 (Closed): DNS error messages are not propogated to the user
DNS error messages such as missing reverse DNS zone are not propagated to UI although the information can found at fo... Oded Ramraz

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