Bug #10223
openImage provisoning over API doesn't start host automatically
Foreman 1.8rc3
Debian Wheezy
curl -s -X $METHOD -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ -k -u $USER:$PASS \ -d '{"host":"name":"test1","hostgroup_id":"1","operatingsystem_id":"1","image_id":"1","compute_resource_id":"1","compute_profile_id":"1","provision_method":"image","subnet_id":"1","compute_attributes":{ "start":"1","vm_attrs":{ "cpus":"4"}}}}' \ $FOREMAN_URL/api/v2/hosts | json_pp
The machine is created through libvirt provider but the virtual machine doesnt have a filesystem with content in it so it just says "No boot device" in the console. If i drop the compute_attributes and just power up the machine manually it all works..except i have to manually power up the machine after the api call (which waits for the machine to come up)
debug put up at:
rsync /tmp/foreman-debug-ngR17.tar.xz rsync://theforeman.org/debug-incoming
Updated by El Joppa almost 10 years ago
After alot of debugging and retrying i got to build a host correctly with image through the api with autostart of the virtual machine in libvirt.
If you touch compute_attributes you have to complete the whole block with more data to get it done correctly.
Attaching example for other users having issues with this:
curl -s -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ -k -u $USER:$PASS \ -d \ '{"host":{ "name":"'$NAME'", "hostgroup_id":"1", "compute_resource_id":"1", "compute_profile_id":"1", "environment_id":"1", "puppet_ca_proxy_id":"", "puppet_proxy_id":"", "salt_environment_id":"3", "salt_proxy_id":"3", "salt_module_ids":[ "" ], "puppetclass_ids":[ "" ], "managed":"true", "progress_report_id":"[FILTERED]", "type":"Host::Managed", "compute_attributes":{ "cpus":"1", "memory":"805306368", "start":"1", "volumes_attributes": { "0": { "_delete": "", "pool_name": "default", "capacity": "10G", "allocation": "0G", "format_type": "qcow2" }, "new_volumes": { "_delete": "", "pool_name": "default", "capacity": "10G", "allocation": "0G", "format_type": "raw" } }, "image_id":"/var/lib/libvirt/images/foo.img" }, "architecture_id":"1", "subnet_id":"1", "operatingsystem_id":"1", "provision_method":"image", "build":"1", "medium_id":"2", "ptable_id":"9", "disk":"", "enabled":"1", "model_id":"", "comment":"", "overwrite":"false" }}' \ $FOREMAN_URL/api/v2/hosts | json_pp
Updated by Dorian D almost 10 years ago
I have this exact same problem. It would be great if we could use "start":"1" without explicitly setting the rest of the compute_attributes. These should already be set through the compute profile and shouldn't have to be set again when posting to the api.
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 9 years ago
- Has duplicate Bug #14210: Provisioning via API doesn't start the host by default added
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 9 years ago
- Subject changed from Do not get image provision to work over api to Image provisoning over API doesn't start host automatically
Regarding compute attributes, the fix in #6342 to merge attributes supplied in the API with those from the compute profile is now available in Foreman 1.11. This means you can now pass just {"compute_attributes":{"start":"1"}} without needing to duplicate the rest.
Leaving this open because host creation over the API should still start the VM automatically like the UI default.
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 9 years ago
- Related to Bug #6342: Compute profile should be used when empty volumes and interfaces passed in compute_attributes added
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 9 years ago
- Has duplicate Bug #14325: VM does not start after creation when using a compute profile added