Feature #10277
closedoption to clear repository prior to re-sync
During development of a product, each sync of a repository could bring in or remove packages. For example
upstream packages: a.1, b.1
sync and publish cv version 1: a.1, b.1
upstream packages: a.2, b.1
sync and publish cv version 2: a.1, a.2, b.1
upstream packages: a.3
sync and publish cv version 3: a.1, a.2, a.3, b.1
Note that on the third sync and publish, b.1 still will exist in the katello product. This means that if the removal of b.1 from the source upstream url, testing of the product against katello would still be able to resolve that dependency.
The RFE is to allow an option to remove all existing packages prior to sync. With this option enabled, cv version 3 would be: a.3