



Bug #10330


Compute Resourse Bug (oVirt + Foreman 1.8.0)

Added by Mihail Sergeenkov almost 10 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Compute resources - oVirt
Target version:
Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:


I found Bug in new Foreman 1.8.0.
When I create the compute profile and fill the field "Template". I can choose template from the compute resource, but it does not load information about network interface and volumes (only loads information about cores and memory).
The same problem with the creation of the VM.
You can look at the screenshot, opposite field "Template", you can see the download icon, it never disappears.


Actions #1

Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 10 years ago

  • Category set to Compute resources - oVirt
  • Priority changed from High to Normal

Could you tail -f /var/log/foreman/production.log as you select the template please and attach any logs that it makes while this runs? It might be best if you can enable debugging first:

Actions #2

Updated by Mihail Sergeenkov almost 10 years ago

Started GET "/compute_profiles/5-SLES11SP3%20TEST%20SSH" for at 2015-04-30 11:21:26 +0300
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [I] Processing by ComputeProfilesController#show as HTML
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [I]   Parameters: {"id"=>"5-SLES11SP3 TEST SSH"}
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [D]   User Load (0.4ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1  [["id", 3]]
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to root
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [D]   AuthSource Load (0.5ms)  SELECT "auth_sources".* FROM "auth_sources" WHERE "auth_sources"."id" = 1 LIMIT 1
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [D]   ComputeProfile Load (0.3ms)  SELECT "compute_profiles".* FROM "compute_profiles" WHERE "compute_profiles"."name" = '5-SLES11SP3 TEST SSH' ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [D]   ComputeProfile Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "compute_profiles".* FROM "compute_profiles" WHERE "compute_profiles"."id" = $1 ORDER BY LIMIT 1  [["id", "5-SLES11SP3 TEST SSH"]]
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [D]   ComputeResource Load (0.4ms)  SELECT "compute_resources".* FROM "compute_resources" ORDER BY
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [D]   ComputeAttribute Load (0.3ms)  SELECT "compute_attributes".* FROM "compute_attributes" WHERE "compute_attributes"."compute_profile_id" = 5 AND "compute_attributes"."compute_resource_id" = 1 LIMIT 1
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [D]   ComputeAttribute Load (0.4ms)  SELECT "compute_attributes".* FROM "compute_attributes" WHERE "compute_attributes"."compute_resource_id" = 1 AND "compute_attributes"."compute_profile_id" = 5 LIMIT 1
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [I]   Rendered compute_profiles/show.html.erb within layouts/application (10.3ms)
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [I]   Rendered home/_user_dropdown.html.erb (2.0ms)
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [I] Read fragment views/tabs_and_title_records-3 (0.1ms)
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [I]   Rendered home/_topbar.html.erb (3.5ms)
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [I]   Rendered layouts/base.html.erb (6.4ms)
2015-04-30 11:21:26 [I] Completed 200 OK in 31ms (Views: 17.9ms | ActiveRecord: 2.7ms)
2015-04-30 11:21:58 [I] 

Started GET "/compute_profiles/5-SLES11SP3%20TEST%20SSH/compute_resources/1-oVirt/compute_attributes/new" for at 2015-04-30 11:21:58 +0300
2015-04-30 11:21:58 [I] Processing by ComputeAttributesController#new as */*
2015-04-30 11:21:58 [I]   Parameters: {"compute_profile_id"=>"5-SLES11SP3 TEST SSH", "compute_resource_id"=>"1-oVirt"}
2015-04-30 11:21:58 [D]   User Load (0.5ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1  [["id", 3]]
2015-04-30 11:21:58 [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to root
2015-04-30 11:21:58 [D]   AuthSource Load (0.3ms)  SELECT "auth_sources".* FROM "auth_sources" WHERE "auth_sources"."id" = 1 LIMIT 1
2015-04-30 11:21:58 [D]   ComputeResource Load (0.3ms)  SELECT "compute_resources".* FROM "compute_resources" WHERE "compute_resources"."id" = 1 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2015-04-30 11:21:58 [D]   ComputeProfile Load (0.3ms)  SELECT "compute_profiles".* FROM "compute_profiles" WHERE "compute_profiles"."id" = 5 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2015-04-30 11:21:58 [D]   ComputeProfile Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "compute_profiles".* FROM "compute_profiles" ORDER BY
2015-04-30 11:21:58 [D]   ComputeResource Load (0.3ms)  SELECT "compute_resources".* FROM "compute_resources" ORDER BY
2015-04-30 11:21:58 [D]   ComputeResource Exists (0.2ms)  SELECT 1 AS one FROM "compute_resources" WHERE ("compute_resources"."name" = 'oVirt' AND "compute_resources"."id" != 1) LIMIT 1
2015-04-30 11:21:58 [I] Successfully decrypted field for Foreman::Model::Ovirt oVirt
2015-04-30 11:21:58 [I] Successfully decrypted field for Foreman::Model::Ovirt oVirt
2015-04-30 11:22:00 [D]    (0.6ms)  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "images" WHERE "images"."compute_resource_id" = 1
2015-04-30 11:22:00 [I]   Rendered compute_resources_vms/form/ovirt/_base.html.erb (1490.0ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:01 [I]   Rendered compute_resources_vms/form/ovirt/_network.html.erb (1075.7ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:01 [I]   Rendered compute_resources_vms/form/_networks.html.erb (1077.1ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [I]   Rendered compute_resources_vms/form/ovirt/_volume.html.erb (392.4ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [I]   Rendered compute_resources_vms/form/_volumes.html.erb (394.1ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [I]   Rendered compute_attributes/_compute_form.html.erb (2962.6ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [I]   Rendered compute_attributes/_form.html.erb (3834.6ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [I]   Rendered compute_attributes/new.html.erb (3836.8ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [I] Completed 200 OK in 3846ms (Views: 3836.5ms | ActiveRecord: 2.6ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [I] 

Started GET "/compute_profiles/5-SLES11SP3%20TEST%20SSH/compute_resources/1-oVirt/compute_attributes/new" for at 2015-04-30 11:22:02 +0300
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [I] Processing by ComputeAttributesController#new as */*
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [I]   Parameters: {"compute_profile_id"=>"5-SLES11SP3 TEST SSH", "compute_resource_id"=>"1-oVirt"}
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [D]   User Load (0.3ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1  [["id", 3]]
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to root
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [D]   AuthSource Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "auth_sources".* FROM "auth_sources" WHERE "auth_sources"."id" = 1 LIMIT 1
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [D]   ComputeResource Load (0.5ms)  SELECT "compute_resources".* FROM "compute_resources" WHERE "compute_resources"."id" = 1 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [D]   ComputeProfile Load (0.4ms)  SELECT "compute_profiles".* FROM "compute_profiles" WHERE "compute_profiles"."id" = 5 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [D]   ComputeProfile Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "compute_profiles".* FROM "compute_profiles" ORDER BY
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [D]   ComputeResource Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "compute_resources".* FROM "compute_resources" ORDER BY
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [D]   ComputeResource Exists (0.4ms)  SELECT 1 AS one FROM "compute_resources" WHERE ("compute_resources"."name" = 'oVirt' AND "compute_resources"."id" != 1) LIMIT 1
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [I] Successfully decrypted field for Foreman::Model::Ovirt oVirt
2015-04-30 11:22:02 [I] Successfully decrypted field for Foreman::Model::Ovirt oVirt
2015-04-30 11:22:04 [D]    (0.4ms)  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "images" WHERE "images"."compute_resource_id" = 1
2015-04-30 11:22:04 [I]   Rendered compute_resources_vms/form/ovirt/_base.html.erb (1259.5ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:05 [I]   Rendered compute_resources_vms/form/ovirt/_network.html.erb (1099.0ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:05 [I]   Rendered compute_resources_vms/form/_networks.html.erb (1100.5ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:05 [I]   Rendered compute_resources_vms/form/ovirt/_volume.html.erb (373.5ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:05 [I]   Rendered compute_resources_vms/form/_volumes.html.erb (375.1ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:05 [I]   Rendered compute_attributes/_compute_form.html.erb (2736.6ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:05 [I]   Rendered compute_attributes/_form.html.erb (3480.3ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:05 [I]   Rendered compute_attributes/new.html.erb (3483.7ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:05 [I] Completed 200 OK in 3493ms (Views: 3483.3ms | ActiveRecord: 2.5ms)
2015-04-30 11:22:09 [I] 

Started POST "/compute_resources/1-oVirt/template_selected" for at 2015-04-30 11:22:09 +0300
2015-04-30 11:22:09 [I] Processing by ComputeResourcesController#template_selected as */*
2015-04-30 11:22:09 [I]   Parameters: {"template_id"=>"980daa9f-4fbe-4b94-8f2e-8361cd5c3dbf", "id"=>"1-oVirt"}
2015-04-30 11:22:09 [D]   User Load (0.4ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1  [["id", 3]]
2015-04-30 11:22:09 [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to root
2015-04-30 11:22:09 [D]   AuthSource Load (0.5ms)  SELECT "auth_sources".* FROM "auth_sources" WHERE "auth_sources"."id" = 1 LIMIT 1
2015-04-30 11:22:09 [D]   ComputeResource Load (0.4ms)  SELECT "compute_resources".* FROM "compute_resources" WHERE "compute_resources"."id" = $1 ORDER BY LIMIT 1  [["id", "1-oVirt"]]
2015-04-30 11:22:09 [I] Successfully decrypted field for Foreman::Model::Ovirt oVirt
2015-04-30 11:22:11 [I] Completed 200 OK in 2061ms (Views: 1035.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)

When the icon (opposite field "Template") appears, the log is no longer any.

Actions #3

Updated by Steve D over 9 years ago

I have the same issue with Ovirt 3.5 & Foreman 1.8.2.

If I've defined an image under compute resource then it will be listed in the Image dropdown, but grayed out.

If I have more than one image under compute resource then the image dropdown will say "Please select an Image" but it is still grayed out.

In either case the little progress indicator beside the Template field never stops spinning.

Lastly when I create a new host using Operating System -> Provisioning Method -> "Image Based" the image dropdown is empty, leading to no volume being created on the VM in Ovirt.

Actions #4

Updated by Anonymous over 7 years ago

what's the status here with current versions?

Actions #5

Updated by Anonymous over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

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