Feature #1155
Search / bookmarks results export
Added by NoName NoSurname over 13 years ago.
Updated over 12 years ago.
Is it possible to implement a feature that allow us to export results of a search / bookmark into CSV format ? Will also be interesting in PDF format (essentially for charts) and maybe excel formant too ?
which pages? all pages, just the host list etc?
I would like to be able to :
- Export Dashboard / Statistics graphs in PDF format for presentation
- Export Hosts list in a csv or xls format for the Inventory
- Export Hosts / Facts (for example all hosts with 2 gig of ram) in a csv / xls format
It would be very nice to be able to do that as foreman contains all infra information.
So I don't know what's possible to do...
The export to csv and pdf would be a nice feature for reporting; and sending those reports to upper management / auditors.
I would like to perform any 'fact' search and export to csv or pdf what is displayed in the Web UI:
1) the host name
2) the fact name
3) the fact value
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