Feature #11728
openMark hosts as reserved
It would be great if we could mark certain hosts as reserved, so that when a user wants to provision discovered hosts, he'd get only hosts that are "not reserved", or "her reserved hosts".
This would allow marking hosts as dedicated to specific projects / purposes. Having a property mark the hosts as reserved and extractable via API would be awesome too.
Updated by Alon Goldboim over 9 years ago
This could also be done via you tagging feature request(http://projects.theforeman.org/issues/11733), by adding a spacial tag lets say "reserved" and check for this spacial tag in related actions such as provision a discovered host could be done only if the tag isn't "reserved".
Updated by Alex Balk over 9 years ago
Yes, that could work. In such a case, a visual indication (an extra column?) in the UI would be useful, so that users could tell a specific machine is reserved.
Updated by Lukas Zapletal about 9 years ago
- Related to Refactor #13848: Refactor Discovery STI to Facets added