Bug #11891
openAdd instructions on correctly setting parameters when using a trusted SSL certificate for the foreman webinterface
Foreman has a lot of settings and fhe foreman installer has a lot of arguments related to SSL. Setting The Foreman (installer) to using a trusted third party SSL certificate in stead of the PuppetCA self-signed one can be a real pain if you don't know which options to change and which ones not to touch!
I didn't figure it out until finding this excellent article, which has a great explanation and instructions on what to set and what not to set: http://www.zem.org.uk/2015/05/11/foreman-ssl/
Such an (or this?) explanation should be part of the manual, either as part of the 3.2.3 Installation Scenarios, 5.4 Securing Communications with SSL and/or as a separate chapter 5 paragraph. This is important information, which means users like me shouldn't have to rely on third party information to figure this out.