Bug #12101
closedOn EFI system, Pxeless discovery failed at step where md5sum of media being checked
The console says: Media check is complete and result is Fail. However I can boot BIOS system with same ISO without any issue.
Updated by Sachin Ghai over 9 years ago
- Related to Tracker #10294: PXEless discovery feature added
Updated by Lukas Zapletal over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Need more information
I can reproduce, but only when booting this via "Test this media & Start Fdi" option which is not default. We will not block the release I think, if you confirm this behavior.
Updated by Sachin Ghai over 9 years ago
I spent some time to figure out the reported issue and realized that issue appears only with unmodified FDI-bootable-3.0.2.iso image. If I boot system with re-mastered iso then issue doesn't appears.
Updated by Sachin Ghai over 9 years ago
- File UEFI_shell.png UEFI_shell.png added
Also, on side note, I pxe booted a EFI system and got shell> prompt on start-up. Is it expected ? does this require special configuration?
Updated by Lukas Zapletal over 9 years ago
Just for the record, the MD5 sum does not seem to be correct in that file, but it works for me. Can you confirm it works?
[lzap@lzapx isos]$ md5sum fdi-bootable-3.0.2.iso bac70149a72752e00d06240b6a9ed95b fdi-bootable-3.0.2.iso [lzap@lzapx isos]$ checkisomd5 fdi-bootable-3.0.2.iso Press [Esc] to abort check. The media check is complete, the result is: FAIL. It is not recommended to use this media.
Updated by Lukas Zapletal over 9 years ago
When you are booting the image, can you stop at the bootloader and make a screenshot of all the options from kernel command line?
Updated by Sachin Ghai over 9 years ago
Yeah.. same output while checking the md5sum of ISO..
[root@cloud-qe-19 ~]# checkisomd5 fdi-bootable-3.0.2.iso Press [Esc] to abort check. The media check is complete, the result is: FAIL. It is not recommended to use this media.
But when I boot the VM with this ISO, I end-up with media_failure error as shown in screenshot. I believe its failing before booting since validation of media doesn't pass.
Updated by Sachin Ghai over 9 years ago
Reported issue is reproducible with unmodified fdi-bootable-3.0.4.iso. However, If I boot an EFI system with remastered ISO then that works without any issue.
Updated by Sachin Ghai over 9 years ago
Checksum result of remastered ISO is NA
[root@cloud-qe-17 ~]# checkisomd5 fdi-bootable-3.0.4-151109_064031.iso
Press [Esc] to abort check.
The media check is complete, the result is: NA.
No checksum information available, unable to verify media.
Checksum result of unmodified is FAIL
[root@cloud-qe-17 ~]# checkisomd5 fdi-bootable-3.0.4.iso
Press [Esc] to abort check.
The media check is complete, the result is: FAIL.
It is not recommended to use this media.
Note: I'm using fedora23 to create EFI system
Updated by Lukas Zapletal about 8 years ago
- Category changed from Discovery plugin to Image
- Status changed from Need more information to Closed
- Assignee set to Lukas Zapletal