Bug #12197
openBetter error handling when API request isn't rooted (e.g. {'minion': {"param": "value"}})
Trying to update a minions salt_proxy_id via the REST-Api fails with
"error": {"message":"undefined method `delete' for nil:NilClass"}
The request is:
curl -k -u admin:password \
-H "Accept: version=2,application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X PUT \
-d '{ "salt_proxy_id":5 }' \
This is also true for the other minion-parameters
and also using python-requests + client-certificates.
Full debug trace of production.log for salt_proxy_id is attached.
Updated by Stephen Benjamin over 9 years ago
The parameters should be in a "minion" key, this will work:
The request is: curl -k -u admin:password \ -H "Accept: version=2,application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X PUT \ -d '{"minion": { "salt_proxy_id":5 }}' \ https://api.domain.de/salt/api/salt_minions/jessie-naked
Leaving open to make the error better
Updated by Stephen Benjamin over 9 years ago
- Subject changed from REST-Api fails to update salt_proxy_id to Better error handling when API request isn't rooted (e.g. {'minion': {"param": "value"}})
- Category set to API
Updated by The Foreman Bot over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman_salt/pull/52 added
- Pull request deleted (
Updated by Anonymous over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset foreman_salt|40fb71577f08fbbf5683b6f2d66e2b7f884f8653.
Updated by Volker None over 9 years ago
- File update_salt_proxy_id.log update_salt_proxy_id.log added
Sorry for taking so long, but i just tried the above and it generally works. But only as long as i set a non-existent proxy-id.
root@foreman01:/etc/foreman# hammer proxy list
2 | salt01.domain.de | https://salt01.domain.de:8443 | Salt
I only have on testing proxy defined with the id 2.
I can freely set any proxy-id i like for a minion:
curl -k -u admin:password -H Accept: version=2,application/json -H Content-Type: application/json -X PUT -d {"minion": { "salt_proxy_id":3 }} https://foreman01domain.de/salt/api/salt_minions/server01.domain.de
{"architecture_id":null,"build":false,"certname":"server01.domain.de","comment":"","compute_profile_id":null,"compute_resource_id":null,"created_at":"2015-11-05T09:25:25Z","disk":null,"enabled":true,"environment_id":null,"grub_pass":"","hostgroup_id":null,"id":4,"image_file":"","image_id":null,"installed_at":null,"last_compile":null,"last_report":"2015-11-09T14:40:07Z","location_id":null,"managed":true,"medium_id":null,"model_id":null,"name":"server01.domain.de","operatingsystem_id":null,"organization_id":null,"otp":null,"owner_id":3,"owner_type":"User","provision_method":"build","ptable_id":null,"puppet_ca_proxy_id":null,"puppet_proxy_id":null,"puppet_status":8283,"realm_id":null,"root_pass":null,"salt_environment_id":1,"salt_proxy_id":3,"updated_at":"2015-11-10T12:52:35Z","use_image":null,"uuid":null} ###
But if i try to set the actually existing proxy-id 2, it fails.
curl -k -u admin:password -H Accept: version=2,application/json -H Content-Type: application/json -X PUT -d {"minion": { "salt_proxy_id":2 }} https://foreman01.domain.de/salt/api/salt_minions/server01.domai.de
"error": {"message":"undefined method `build?' for nil:NilClass"}
Full debug.log is attached.
The intended use-case here is to regularly set a minions proxy-id whenever it switches to another master (i.e. another smart-proxy) and to keep the minion-proxy-mapping in foreman up to date. The request to update the proxy-id is done, whenever a minion sends a "start"-event to its master and the master "forwards" this by updating the proxy-id of that minion in foreman. This can also mean, that the same proxy-id as before is sent if the minion just restarted and did not switch masters.
Updated by Stephen Benjamin over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to New
Thanks, I'll have a look
Updated by Volker None over 9 years ago
Stephen Benjamin wrote:
Thanks, I'll have a look
With a little help i pinned it down to
"old" seems not to be set to something workable.
30 def queue_update_salt_autosign$
31 # Host has been built --> remove auto sign$
32 if old.build? and !build?$
33 queue.create(:name => _('Remove autosign entry for %s') % self, :priority => 50, :action => [self, :del_salt_autosign ])$
34 end$
35 end$
The ugly workaround it to just skip it for now:
30 def queue_update_salt_autosign$
31 # Host has been built --> remove auto sign$
32 unless old.is_a? Object$
33 if old.build? and !build?$
34 queue.create(:name => _('Remove autosign entry for %s') % self, :priority => 50, :action => [self, :del_salt_autosign ])$
35 end$
36 end$
37 end$
Updated by Volker None over 9 years ago
Stephen Benjamin wrote:
Thanks, I'll have a look
With a little help i pinned it down to
"old" seems not to be set to something workable.
30 def queue_update_salt_autosign$
31 # Host has been built --> remove auto sign$
32 if old.build? and !build?$
33 queue.create(:name => _('Remove autosign entry for %s') % self, :priority => 50, :action => [self, :del_salt_autosign ])$
34 end$
35 end$
The ugly workaround it to just skip it for now:
30 def queue_update_salt_autosign$
31 # Host has been built --> remove auto sign$
32 unless old.is_a? Object$
33 if old.build? and !build?$
34 queue.create(:name => _('Remove autosign entry for %s') % self, :priority => 50, :action => [self, :del_salt_autosign ])$
35 end$
36 end$
37 end$