Bug #12854
closedMoving disconnected satellite to connected causes the enabled reposets to move from RPMs Tab to Others Tab
a) Installed sat6 upstream/nightly using katello-deploy
b) Downloaded content-iso's from access.redhat.com related to RHEL7
c) Updated the cdn link to an internal link.
c) Imported manifest and enabled the repos for "RHEL7 Base os 7Server" and "sat6.1 tools RHEL7"
d) Synced content successfully.
Now the aim was to revert back the cdn url link and only retrieve the deltas.
a) Updated the cdn url link to "https://cdn.redhat.com"
b) Checked the "enable repositories" page, but couldn't find the 'RHEL7 Base os 7Server' and 'Sat6.1 tools for RHEL7', under "RPMs" Tab but rather found it under "Others" Tab.
Also some observations here.
a) Even though a single repository "RHEL7 Base os 7Server" was enabled the entire reposet is not visible in RPMs Tab.
b) Cannot enable other repos "7.1" or "7.0" or "7.2" as "RPMs Tab" does not display the reposet and "Others Tab" just displays the "7Server" repo.