Bug #1379
closedSUSE OS defined more generically if lsb is installed
I have 2 SUSE systems (well more, but 2 for this example).
One with LSB installed shows up in foreman as "SLES 10". The other without LSB installed shows up as "SLES 10.4". Both are SLES 10.4
I'm guessing that with lsb installed the OS information provided by lsb facts override whatever other process is used to figure out the OS on SLES systems. However, LSB does not give a minor so in foreman the system is more generically defined.
System that shows up as "SLES 10":
hostnameA:~ # rpm -qa | grep lsb lsb-3.1-1.7 hostnameA:~ # facter -p | grep lsb lsbdistcodename => n/a lsbdistdescription => SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64) lsbdistid => SUSE LINUX lsbdistrelease => 10 lsbmajdistrelease => 10 lsbrelease => core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-noarch:core-2.0-x86_64:core-3.0-x86_64:desktop-3.1-amd64:desktop-3.1-noarch:graphics-2.0-amd64:graphics-2.0-noarch:graphics-3.1-amd64:graphics-3.1-noarch hostnameA:~ # facter -p | grep 10 lsbdistdescription => SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64) lsbdistrelease => 10 lsbmajdistrelease => 10 operatingsystemrelease => 10.4 usps_oracle_hp_hugepages => 1024 usps_os_dist => sles10 usps_os_version => 10 usps_patch_date => 20110826 hostnameA:~ # cat /etc/SuSE-release SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64) VERSION = 10 PATCHLEVEL = 4
System that shows up as "SLES 10.4":
hostnameB:~ # rpm -q lsb package lsb is not installed hostnameB:~ # facter -p | grep lsb hostnameB:~ # facter -p | grep 10 operatingsystemrelease => 10.4 usps_os_dist => sles10 usps_os_version => 10 hostnameB:~ # cat /etc/SuSE-release SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64) VERSION = 10 PATCHLEVEL = 4
I've also removed the lsb package on hostnameA and ran puppet again, and then "SLES 10.4" shows up as expected.
Updated by Oliver Weinmann about 13 years ago
I have raised a similar Ticket 3 months ago:
Maybe these two tickets can be merged to speedup the process.