Feature #14630
openApply rules defines in ssh config
I have a huge amount of hosts that i want to have enabled for remote execution but my foreman server does not have access to all of them directly. I have like different customer networks which are split and i have jump hosts to them.
So I'm using different kind of ssh keys for different servers and have some rules for proxy commands.
An example of my config could be like:
Host cus* wan*
ProxyCommand ssh admin@ -A -t -W %h:%p
User root
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_cus
Host wao* mol*
ProxyCommand ssh admin@ -A -t -W %h:%p
User root
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_wao
Would it be possible to have that rules applied for the ssh connection? And if not, what can i do besides bringing smart proxy's to every jumpserver that i have? (Which is also not possible for me because I'm not able to get a fresh ruby on all that machines and reinstalling is also not a solution for me. )