Bug #14942
closedpuppet group fails when added to foreman user before puppetserver installation
When performing a full installation of Foreman on a Debian system with Puppet AIO, the puppet group gets created during the Puppet run.
Previously in a non-AIO installation, the group would probably be created during installation of the Puppet agent package, which is an installer dependency.
[ERROR 2016-05-06 08:32:42 main] Could not set groups on user[foreman]: Execution of '/usr/sbin/usermod -G puppet foreman' returned 6: usermod: group 'puppet' does not exist [ERROR 2016-05-06 08:32:42 main] /Stage[main]/Foreman::Config/User[foreman]/groups: change from to puppet failed: Could not set groups on user[foreman]: Execution of '/usr/sbin/usermod -G puppet foreman' returned 6: usermod: group 'puppet' does not exist [ WARN 2016-05-06 08:37:57 main] /Stage[main]/Puppet::Server::Install/Package[puppetserver]/ensure: created [ WARN 2016-05-06 08:38:20 main] /Stage[main]/Foreman_proxy::Config/User[foreman-proxy]/groups: groups changed '' to ['puppet']
However on an RPM AIO installation the ordering happens to be a bit different:
[ WARN 2016-05-05 13:09:47 main] /Stage[main]/Puppet::Server::Install/Package[puppetserver]/ensure: created [ WARN 2016-05-05 13:09:48 main] /Stage[main]/Puppet::Server::Config/File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/reports]/group: group changed 'root' to 'puppet' [ WARN 2016-05-05 13:11:37 main] /Stage[main]/Foreman_proxy::Config/User[foreman-proxy]/groups: groups changed '' to ['puppet'] [ WARN 2016-05-05 13:12:47 main] /Stage[main]/Foreman::Config/User[foreman]/groups: groups changed '' to ['puppet']