



Feature #164


Multiple Preseed/Kickstart support

Added by Ric Danger about 15 years ago. Updated about 15 years ago.

Target version:
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It would be great if we could define multiple kickstart/preseed files, and assign them to different hosts and/or operating systems.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Foreman - Feature #13: improve debian integerationClosedPaul KellyActions
Actions #1

Updated by Ohad Levy about 15 years ago

are you actually trying to solve #13?

Actions #2

Updated by Ric Danger about 15 years ago

Ohad Levy wrote:

are you actually trying to solve #13?

Preseed files change a little bit for each release. For example, karmic preseed is slightly different than intrepid or debian.
But currently there is no way to change the preseed for each release.

Actions #3

Updated by Ohad Levy about 15 years ago

But it is a template after all, I've made a similar solution for RedHat e.g.:

if OSType== "debian" add this line etc

Can you think of use cases where it wont work?

I would really like to keep it simple with one template that works for everyone :)

Actions #4

Updated by Ric Danger about 15 years ago

I find that it would be easier to just input one preseed on the interface, instead of messing with the templates on the filesystem.
Either way, I was not aware I could make it like that. Sounds like a reasonable solution.

Actions #5

Updated by Ohad Levy about 15 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Ric Danger wrote:

I find that it would be easier to just input one preseed on the interface, instead of messing with the templates on the filesystem.
Either way, I was not aware I could make it like that. Sounds like a reasonable solution.

while you might be right that multiple templates might be useful, I aim to have as much plug and play as possible, allowing people to start deploying without the need to change the templates at all.

hence - if you have any improvements to the current preseed template, it would be welcomed :)


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