Bug #17276
closedCreating new host to be deployed on EC2 fails no lack of IPv6 Interface
I am attempting to deploy a new host on Amazon EC2 but the creation fails on the ipv6 address being blank. Putting a fake address in results in below:
"Create IPv6 DNS record for dev-alexvarden-sbox.aws-eu-west.boohoo.com task failed with the following error: ERF12-2357 [ProxyAPI::ProxyException]: Unable to set DNS entry ([RestClient::BadRequest]: 400 Bad Request) for proxy https://foreman.boohoo.aws:8443/dns"
This is a major problem as Amazon VPC does not support IPv6. I need to be able to disable the use of IPv6 or our use of Foreman is dead in the water.
"IP Addressing
Q. What IP address ranges can I use within my VPC?
You can address your VPC from any IPv4 address range, including RFC 1918 or publicly routable IP blocks. Publicly routable IP blocks are only reachable via the Virtual Private Gateway and cannot be accessed over the Internet through the Internet gateway. AWS does not advertise customer-owned IP address blocks to the Internet. Additionally, VPCs currently cannot be addressed from IPv6 IP address ranges."
Please address this as a matter of urgency. This is unusable.
Updated by Anonymous over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Paul, could this be a duplicate of #17187? There's a diff to test and that will be in 1.13.2
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 8 years ago
- Is duplicate of Bug #17187: IPv6 address cannot be blank for CR providing IPv4 plus domain with forward DNS added
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Duplicate
Thanks for confirming!