



Support #17707


after Foreman-Installer: puppet TCPServer Error: Address already in use - bind(2)

Added by Andoreasu Pek almost 8 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Target version:
Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:


Good Morning together,

i installed a new Puppet Master Server (Puppet 4.8.1) with Foreman (1.13) over the foreman-installer.
I followed all Instructions on the Foreman Manual (1.13), where the foreman-installer installs puppet also.

It seems everything works from the functional view.
but i get a warn message in the foreman smart-proxy log:

puppet TCPServer Error: Address already in use - bind(2)

this happens on every server start. does anyone know what this Error message cause and how i can fix this?
I think this shouldnt be happen when i install puppet over the foreman-installer (?)

Best Regards


proxy.log proxy.log 37.6 KB Sven Vogel, 12/26/2016 06:15 PM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Smart Proxy - Bug #17862: Silence Sinatra/rack startup warning "TCPServer Error: Address already in use - bind(2)"Rejected12/27/2016Actions
Actions #1

Updated by Andoreasu Pek almost 8 years ago

I forgot to say, the Server is running a CentOS7.

Actions #2

Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 8 years ago

  • Project changed from Foreman to Smart Proxy
  • Category set to Core

Can you provide the whole log file please (is this proxy.log)? Is it working correctly?

Actions #3

Updated by Sven Vogel almost 8 years ago

i saw the same problem. CentOS 7.2 - 7.3

i will upload my proxy.log.

Actions #4

Updated by Sven Vogel almost 8 years ago

I, [2016-12-27T00:10:20.762341 #2446] INFO -- : - - [27/Dec/2016:00:10:20 +0100] "GET /puppet/ca HTTP/1.1" 200 922 3.6843

I, [2016-12-27T00:22:46.813309 #2446] INFO -- : going to shutdown ...
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:46.813606 #2446] INFO -- : WEBrick::HTTPServer#start done.
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.337692 #4422] DEBUG -- : 'pulp' settings: 'enabled': https, 'mongodb_dir': /var/lib/mongodb (default), 'pulp_content_dir': /var/lib/pulp/content (default
), 'pulp_dir': /var/lib/pulp (default), 'pulp_url': https://katello01.oscloud.local/pulp, 'puppet_content_dir': /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.341780 #4422] DEBUG -- : 'dynflow' settings: 'core_url': https://katello01.oscloud.local:8008, 'database': /var/lib/foreman-proxy/dynflow/dynflow.sqlite,
'enabled': https
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.344975 #4422] DEBUG -- : 'ssh' settings: 'enabled': https, 'local_working_dir': /var/tmp (default), 'remote_working_dir': /var/tmp (default), 'ssh_identi
ty_key_file': /usr/share/foreman-proxy/.ssh/id_rsa_foreman_proxy, 'ssh_user': root (default)
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.357828 #4422] DEBUG -- : 'dns' settings: 'dns_ttl': 86400 (default), 'enabled': https, 'use_provider': dns_nsupdate (default)
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.361513 #4422] DEBUG -- : 'tftp' settings: 'enabled': https, 'tftp_servername':, 'tftproot': /var/lib/tftpboot (default)
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.367224 #4422] DEBUG -- : 'dhcp' settings: 'enabled': https, 'server': (default), 'subnets': [] (default), 'use_provider': dhcp_isc (default)
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.370387 #4422] DEBUG -- : 'puppetca' settings: 'enabled': https, 'puppetdir': /etc/puppetlabs/puppet, 'ssldir': /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.375559 #4422] DEBUG -- : 'puppet' settings: 'enabled': https, 'puppet_version': 4.8.1, 'use_provider': [:puppet_proxy_puppet_api]
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.378960 #4422] DEBUG -- : 'logs' settings: 'enabled': https
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.379561 #4422] DEBUG -- : Providers ['dns_nsupdate'] are going to be configured for 'dns'
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.379684 #4422] DEBUG -- : Providers ['dhcp_isc'] are going to be configured for 'dhcp'
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.379791 #4422] DEBUG -- : Providers ['puppet_proxy_puppet_api'] are going to be configured for 'puppet'
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.383617 #4422] DEBUG -- : 'dns_nsupdate' settings: 'dns_key': /etc/rndc.key, 'dns_server':, 'dns_ttl': 86400, 'use_provider': dns_nsupdate
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.420285 #4422] DEBUG -- : 'dhcp_isc' settings: 'config': /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf (default), 'leases': /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases (default), 'leases_file_obs
erver': inotify_leases_file_observer, 'omapi_port': 7911, 'server':, 'subnets': [], 'use_provider': dhcp_isc
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.428328 #4422] DEBUG -- : 'puppet_proxy_puppet_api' settings: 'classes_retriever': apiv3, 'environments_retriever': apiv3, 'puppet_ssl_ca': /etc/puppetlab
s/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem, 'puppet_ssl_cert': /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/katello01.oscloud.local.pem, 'puppet_ssl_key': /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/katello01.o
scloud.local.pem, 'puppet_url': https://katello01.oscloud.local:8140, 'puppet_version': 4.8.1, 'use_provider': [:puppet_proxy_puppet_api]
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.429593 #4422] INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'pulp'
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.431375 #4422] INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'dynflow'
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.433892 #4422] INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'ssh'
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.434028 #4422] INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'foreman_proxy'
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.434178 #4422] INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'dns_nsupdate'
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.434272 #4422] INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'dns'
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.434355 #4422] INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'tftp'
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.456939 #4422] DEBUG -- : Added a subnet:
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.458642 #4422] DEBUG -- : Added a reservation:
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.458751 #4422] DEBUG -- : Added a reservation:
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.458836 #4422] DEBUG -- : Added a reservation:
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.459025 #4422] INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'dhcp_isc'
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.459152 #4422] INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'dhcp'
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.459256 #4422] INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'puppetca'
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.459377 #4422] INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'puppet_proxy_puppet_api'
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.459886 #4422] INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'puppet'
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.459991 #4422] DEBUG -- : Log buffer API initialized, available capacity: 2000/1000
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.460063 #4422] INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'logs'
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.495871 #4422] INFO -- : WEBrick 1.3.1
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.496174 #4422] INFO -- : ruby 2.0.0 (2015-12-16) [x86_64-linux]
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.496624 #4422] DEBUG -- :, 9090)
D, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.496790 #4422] DEBUG -- :, 9090)
W, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.496946 #4422] WARN -- : TCPServer Error: Address already in use - bind(2)
I, [2016-12-27T00:22:47.498212 #4422] INFO -- :

Actions #5

Updated by Anonymous almost 8 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Support

This is sinatra/rack issuing a warning on startup, please ignore it. Should a real conflict over a tcp port occur, smart-proxy won't be able to bind to it and will fail to start.

Actions #6

Updated by Dominic Cleal over 7 years ago

  • Related to Bug #17862: Silence Sinatra/rack startup warning "TCPServer Error: Address already in use - bind(2)" added
Actions #7

Updated by Anonymous over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

I'm marking this as "resolved", the message should not appear anymore in recent builds. Please re-open if you have further questions.


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