Feature #1963
closedMake automatic host creation switchable
In our environment we're pondering patching Foreman to make the automatic host creation when facts/reports are uploaded optional based on a configuration parameter.
(models/hosts.rb; line 353)
347 def self.importHostAndFacts yaml 348 facts = YAML::load yaml 349 return false unless facts.is_a?(Puppet::Node::Facts) 350 351 h = Host.find_by_certname facts.name 352 h ||= Host.find_by_name facts.name 353 h ||= Host.new :name => facts.name [...]
(models/report.rb; line 80)
73 def self.import(yaml) 74 report = YAML.load(yaml) 75 raise "Invalid report" unless report.is_a?(Puppet::Transaction::Report) 76 logger.info "processing report for #{report.host}" 77 begin 78 host = Host.find_by_certname report.host 79 host ||= Host.find_by_name report.host 80 host ||= Host.new :name => report.host [...]
Foreman is not just a visualization/reporting tool for us, it's sort of a source of truth. Thus, we don't want hosts to be created automatically on Foreman when they chat to the puppet masters. Basically, if the host is not in Foreman it does not exist for us.
The patch is quite simple, but we'd like to discuss what you think about the new feature before submitting a pull request.
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 11 years ago
- Category set to Facts
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Target version set to 1.3.0
PR only covers the facts portion of this
Updated by Nacho Barrientos over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 554be427b0d76708893b81676e7728e105045505.
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 11 years ago
- Related to Feature #3364: Add option to disable automatc host creation when a report is received added