Bug #20471
closedAPI Doc for content view publishing is wrong
Description of problem:
The generated API documentation for content views, specifically the POST for publish is incorrect. It states:
POST /katello/api/content_views/:id/publish
Publish a content view
Param name Description
Content view identifier
Value: string from 2 to 128 characters containting only alphanumeric characters, space, '_', '-' with no leading or trailing space..
Description for the new published content view version
Value: String
If you actually pass the id as a parameter, the content view will not publish. It makes sense as the ID is already in the path, but the documentation is simply wrong.
Using hammer in debug mode you can see the same:
[ INFO 2016-04-22 12:56:23 API] POST /katello/api/content_views/35/publish
[DEBUG 2016-04-22 12:56:23 API] Params: {}
[DEBUG 2016-04-22 12:56:23 API] Headers: {}
So the doc needs to be fixed. Note again this is in the autogenerated apidoc, I have no idea what is in the docs hosted by red hat.