Bug #24146
closedForeman-Proxy DHCP ISC - DNS Search set wrong for multiple domains
When setting the DHCP search domains in foreman-proxy, the values are being set incorrectly and causing the dhclient to reject the domain search.
Version: Foreman 1.16.2-1.el7
My configuration has three different domains that have to be searched so I set the Foreman-Proxy search domains to have that configured in the dhcpd.conf file, as expected. When testing against a host using the DHCP server on the Foreman host the dhclient on the host rejects the search being sent by DHCP since it not the expected format.
Setting the dns-search:
# foreman-installer --foreman-proxy-dhcp-search-domains "mydomain.dick.jane.com","dick.net","jane.com"
Foreman Verbose Output:
+ option domain-search "mydomain.dick.jane.com,dick.net,jane.com";
+ option domain-search "mydomain.dick.jane.com","dick.net","jane.com";
With option domain-search "mydomain.dick.jane.com,dick.net,jane.com" set, the dhclient ignores the search options with the message:
dhclient[2951]: suspect value in domain_search option - discarded
Manually setting the options domain-search "mydomain.dick.jane.com","dick.net","jane.com" corrects the issue on the client, but each time foreman-install is run it reverts to the incorrect forem.
I searched through the various references to domain-search and domain_search under the /usr/share/foreman-installer/modules directory and found entries in /usr/share/foreman-installer/modules/dhcp/templates/dhcpd.pool.erb. When testing in irb this routine sets the parameters correctly.
<% if @search_domains and @search_domains.is_a? Array -%> option domain-search "<%= @search_domains.sort.join('", "') %>"; <% elsif @search_domains -%> option domain-search "<%= @search_domains.split(/[, ]+/).join('", "') %>"; <% end -%>
Tested in IRB
irb(main):014:0> search_domains = ['mydomain.dick.jane.com','dick.net','jane.com'] => ["mydomain.dick.jane.com", "dick.net", "jane.com"] irb(main):016:0> p search_domains.sort.join('", "') "dick.net\", \"jane.com\", \"mydomain.dick.jane.com" => "dick.net\", \"jane.com\", \"mydomain.dick.jane.com" irb(main):017:0> search_domains = "mydomain.dick.jane.com dick.net jane.com" => "mydomain.dick.jane.com dick.net jane.com" irb(main):018:0> p search_domains.split(/[, ]+/).join('", "') "mydomain.dick.jane.com\", \"dick.net\", \"jane.com" => "mydomain.dick.jane.com\", \"dick.net\", \"jane.com"
I haven't yet tracked down where foreman-proxy is setting this value to be the incorrect form:
The only workaround I have found presently is to manually copy back in the dhcpd.conf backup file to change the settings to work correctly.
I am in the middle of a POC and can't upgrade to Foreman 1.17.1 at this time to see if the problem persists, but I didn't find any bug reports on this particular issue.