Bug #24303
closedafter new host group is created search doesn't work properly, search menu opens the create host group
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1599303
Description of problem:
After creation of Host Group, search doesn't work properly, search result is not shown, instead of it the Creation of Host Group is opened again. You can create second Host Group -> submit the result and when you try to search smth again the same result. You can get easily cycled.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Compose 9, I don't try newer or older version or compose.
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Configure -> Host Groups -> Create Host Group
2. Filled only the name -> Submit -> [Successfully created]
3. Into upper filter, write what you want, e.c name of just created Host Group, click on Search
4. Instead of search result, the Create Host Group menu is opened again
Actual results:
Instead of search result the Create Host Group is opened
Expected results:
The result of the search
Additional info:
Bug NOT happened when:
1,2. steps are the same
3. again through Configure -> Host Groups -> search for smth and search result works as you expect
1,2,3. steps are the same
4. instead of filling new name and cycle into the process, cancel the Create Host Group
5. Search for smth -> search result works too