Bug #25095
openDiscovered host assign organization or assign location failure
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Goto Hosts > Discovered hosts
2. Select one discovered host
3. Apply action Assign Organization (or Assign Location)
4. In the dialog box: select the target organization (or Location in case of Assign Location)
5. Press submit
Actual results:
an error Message is displayed:
Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong PG::AmbiguousColumn: ERROR: column reference "id" is ambiguous LINE 1: ...zation_id" = 1 AND "hosts"."location_id" = 2 AND (id IN ('10... ^ : SELECT "hosts"."id" FROM "hosts" LEFT OUTER JOIN "models" ON "models"."id" = "hosts"."model_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "fact_values" ON "fact_values"."host_id" = "hosts"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "nics" ON "nics"."host_id" = "hosts"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "taxonomies" ON "taxonomies"."id" = "hosts"."location_id" AND "taxonomies"."type" IN ('Location') LEFT OUTER JOIN "taxonomies" "organizations_hosts" ON "organizations_hosts"."id" = "hosts"."organization_id" AND "organizations_hosts"."type" IN ('Organization') WHERE "hosts"."type" IN ('Host::Discovered') AND "hosts"."organization_id" = 1 AND "hosts"."location_id" = 2 AND (id IN ('10') or name IN (NULL)) ORDER BY hosts.created_at DESC
Updated by Lukas Zapletal over 6 years ago
Regression created by 1.18-only patch #24702, man this was tough to troubleshoot since it was not in develop.
Updated by Lukas Zapletal over 6 years ago
- Related to Bug #24702: Error while assigning location to a number of hosts that is larger than per_page setting added