Feature #25245
openEnable custom http-certs for Foreman, too
Centos 7, all updates as of 2018-10-19
Foreman 1.19, all updates as of 2018-10-19
foreman-installer does not provide the ability to choose custom certs when installing foreman ONLY for the httpd:
[root@foreman-d-01 httpd]# foreman-installer --help|grep -i certs-server
[root@foreman-d-01 httpd]#
In an installation with scenario katello there is the ability:
[root@katello4 foreman-installer]# foreman-installer --help|grep -i certs-server
--certs-server-ca-cert Path to the CA that issued the ssl certificates for https
--certs-server-cert Path to the ssl certificate for https
--certs-server-cert-req Path to the ssl certificate request for https
--certs-server-key Path to the ssl key for https
Steps to reproduce:
1.) Install foreman (without katello)
2.) Run foreman-installer (without parameters)
3.) Run foreman-installert --help|grep certs-server
Updated by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden over 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Need more information
Certs is a katello module yet you say install without katello. Could you clarify which scenario you're using because that determines which options you should be using.
Updated by Andreas Pfaffeneder over 6 years ago
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden wrote:
Certs is a katello module yet you say install without katello. Could you clarify which scenario you're using because that determines which options you should be using.
Scenario is Foreman (only).
Currently there is - to my understaning - no easy way to replace the self signed certs. Which would be nice.