Bug #28130
closed[GCE] Always any selected image type is being selected as f1-micro.
GCE hammer always selects f1-micro image type regardless of requested image type,
How Reproducible:
1. Provision a GCE host from a hammer with the image anything other than f1-micro type.
- hammer host create --architecture-id 1 --build true --compute-attributes 'machine_type=n1-standard-2, network=default, associate_external_ip=true' --compute-resource-id 1 --domain-id 1 --image-id 1 --operatingsystem-id 1 --provision-method image --puppet-ca-proxy-id 1 --puppet-environment-id 1 --puppet-proxy-id 1 --root-password changeme --volume 'size_gb=13, size_gb=11' --location-id 2 --organization-id 1 --name gcePlus1
Actual Behavior:
1. The GCE Host is provisioned but the image type in provisioned is f1-micro always.
Expected Behavior:
1. The GCE host should be provisioned with the requested image type in the hammer command.
Updated by Oleh Fedorenko over 5 years ago
Hi Jitendra,
have you tried to create a vm the same way but via direct API calls with the same parameters?
If so, does it behaves the same way?
Updated by Jitendra Yejare over 5 years ago
Oleh Fedorenko wrote:
Hi Jitendra,
have you tried to create a vm the same way but via direct API calls with the same parameters?
If so, does it behaves the same way?
I have not tried GCE Host provisioning from API yet but will try and reply with my comments here. Thanks
Updated by Kavita Gaikwad over 5 years ago
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
I have tested this scenario and found that this is not an issue on Hammer side. It should be fixed in Foreman core.
Updated by Oleh Fedorenko over 5 years ago
- Project changed from Hammer CLI to Foreman
- Subject changed from [Hammer] [GCE] Always any selected image type is being selected as f1-micro. to [GCE] Always any selected image type is being selected as f1-micro.
- Category changed from Hosts to Compute resources - GCE
Updated by Kavita Gaikwad over 5 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
Modifying priority to Normal as on edit form it is not showing correct selected value.
Updated by The Foreman Bot over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/7202 added
Updated by Kavita Gaikwad about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
Applied in changeset 3c9cf5ac1b3f30a1e51e6f129312ec00d71937b3.
Updated by The Foreman Bot about 5 years ago
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/7267 added