Bug #31472
openManual: (2.3.0) Instructions for obtaining the 'oauth_consumer_key' and 'oauth_consumer_secret' are out-of-date
Reference: https://theforeman.org/manuals/2.3/index.html#3.2.3InstallationScenarios
In section 3.2.3 InstallationScenarios, following the "Standalone Puppetserver" "Command line arguments:" example is the text:
Fill in the OAuth consumer key and secret values from your Foreman instance, retrieve them from Administer > Settings > Authentication, and set the Foreman URLs appropriately.
This was changed for security reasons, I believe around the time of Foreman 2.1.0 (IIRC), and the WebUI now displays "The setting is defined in the configuration file settings.yaml and is read-only" if you hover over the "dots" displayed in the value field.
Consult with the appropriate team members for proper guidance on updating this instruction, but I used:
sudo grep oauth_consumer /etc/foreman/settings.yaml