Bug #31591
closedSystem Purpose bulk setting is not reflected on host
b"Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1905979 \n\n*Description of problem:*\n\nSystem purpose bulk action (added in BZ#1894159) allows to set system purpose parameters for hosts, but these changes are not pulled to hosts.\n\n*Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):*\n\nSatellite 6.9 snap 4\n\n*How reproducible:*\n\nalways \n\n*Steps to Reproduce:*\n1. Hosts > Content hosts > select some hosts\n2. Select action > Manage System Purpose\n3. Select some values for Service Level, Usage Type, Role\n4. Submit and let the task complete successfully, observe the system purpose parameters have changed in individual content host's UI\n5. ssh to one of the hosts, run:\n\nsubscription-manager service-level\nsubscription-manager usage\nsubscription-manager role\n\n*Actual results:*\n\nThe subscription-manager command output doesn't correspond with the changes made in the bulk action\n\n*Expected results:*\n\nChanges should be pulled down by the subscription-manager\n\n*Additional info:*"