Bug #31925
closederrata filter (search) not working in katello 3.18.1
I did a clean installation of latest katello 3.18.1 and when I go to “content >> errata” and I try to search the errata (apply a filter) it doesn’t work. This works fine in a different instance running katello 3.9.0.
I have posted some screenshots in the forums
Updated by Partha Aji about 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Duplicate
Duplicate of ->
Updated by Jonathon Turel about 4 years ago
- Is duplicate of Bug #31939: Errata freeform search needs to look into title/history/description added
Updated by Jonathon Turel about 4 years ago
- Category set to Errata Management
- Status changed from Duplicate to Resolved
- Target version set to Katello 4.1.0
- Triaged changed from No to Yes